Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can dog fleas....?

...transfer onto human hair?? I know that they can live in and around carpets etc. in the home, but do they also live on human hair?

Can dog fleas....?

Fleas are not attracted to hair, they are attracted to blood (they eat blood). I would not worry too much, the worst that is going to happen is you might have a few bite marks. In all my years working at the hospital, I have never heard of a human infestation.

Personally I use this the most...

All the best to you.

Can dog fleas....?

Yes, fleas can live anyplace there is a warm body and food supply...that includes humans, dogs, cats, and wherever else they can bite and drink blood.

Can dog fleas....?

Yes they can! They can bite you anywhere on your body actually. You won't be infested with them like dogs can be, but they will get on you.

Can dog fleas....?

They will bite you, but can not live on human hair.

Can dog fleas....?

Fleas don't live on their hosts, they just jump on to feed. They live in the environment.

So to answer your question, yes fleas can feed on you but they won't live in your hair. Typically, they target your ankles. They burrow in your socks and "get comfortable". Usually, if a flea has used you as a buffet, you'll see little red spots on your skin from where they latched on.

Can dog fleas....?

ohhh yes vey easily,actualy!!

Can dog fleas....?

about "fauxymynx" answer... that would explain why I usually have bites on my ankles n feet... thanks haha.

and i doubt they live in your hair but they can bite you anywhere.

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