Friday, March 30, 2012

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

When I was in 4th grade one day we got a chance to look through a microscope. One of the items was a human hair. I hadn't known then that the hair shaft was hollow. So that afternoon when I got home from school I got a pair of scissors and cut a chunk of hair so I could look at it with my magnifying glass. Of course my mom came in and went ballistic. Then for the next several days every time she was on the phone with someone she told them, "Guess what my daughter did now? She cut a big chunk of her hair off so she could look at it with a magnifying glass! Her hair looks horrible!"

I was mortified, and by the end of the week it seemed like everyone in town knew it!

What have your parents done or said to really embarrass you?

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

I was about 13 and a size 12. my mother brought me into what i call an old lady store, and started to cry to the sales lady. telling her that I was so heavy she couldn't find any thing for me to wear. I walk out of there crying with the most ugly outfit. I brought it home but refused to wear it and every chance my mother got she told everyone how ungrateful i was.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

There were too many where my mother was concerned.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

Sit around the table with my aunts, and older cousins talking about my boobs,when i started my cycle, you name it she told them.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

I had a baby when I was 16 yrs. old and gave it up for adoption (the most terryfiying experience in my whole life) and instead of my parents being supportive, my dad got up in front of the whole church and announced it to everyone. That hurt worse than a slap in the face.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

when I was 12 I wanted to pluck my eyebrows so I was doing this , when I accidentally plucked half of my right eyebrow all the way and I was scared to get in trouble so I cut my hair and stuck pieces on my eyebrow with super glue so that it would look like nothing happened, for the first day no one noticed anything until the next morning, the glue dried and my eyebrow looked crusty. My dad got so mad and made me wash it off, then he decided to draw my eyebrow with a liner. I looked like a clown, it was horrible!!!!

Reborning dolls?

I asked this once earlier, but only got one answer... Over the past couple months I have become increasingly interested in roborn dolls, and learning to make them myself. I've found a couple tutorials online, but I would love to know how other artists do it. I admit, I'm slightly confused by the purple wash thing. Do I dye it? Or paint it, and if I paint it do I paint inside or out? Which method works better? If you have any examples of your work, so I can see how the techniques differ, I'd really appreciate it. Please email me, The link thing is in my profile. I'm hoping to avoid the 'dead/bruised' baby look. Also, I like the idea of rooting the hair as opposed to a wig, but I hate the look of mohair. It looks frizzy and just plain odd, in my opinion. Is there some rule about not using human hair? Or is it more a cost thing ?(having gone to cosmetology school I know how pricey a human hair track can be) Any info or tips would be much appreciated! Thanks to all the genuine answers. :)

Reborning dolls?

It's possible they didn't answer because asking for email is a violation. The purpose of yahoo answers is so others can see the answers and be helped by them as well. they can do a search and that way we don't have to read the same question repeatedly. Sorry you only got one answer the first time. Most people who do this are doing it for profit, and not really willing to give away the secrets they had to learn by trial and error.


How can i get this look from at home?

so heres what i want ...

i have darker extensions for the bottom can i dye them more brown [human hair ones] and to get the top of her hair colour would I have to dye my entire head that colour my hair now only goes to a bit past my shoulder and how many colours are on the top like what colour lowlights\highlights or\basecolour [my hair is a lightbrownish colour now] thing would i need and can i do it at home?

How can i get this look from at home?

i'd say there owuld be 2 mabe three colors for the tops it seem like some peices are lighter my a little bit, but there are a few darker brown streaks in there but mostly light. You could aslo do this look with diffrent colors if you wanted.

I'd say you could, just get some hair products.

give it a bit of th emessy look. just pretty much practise.

How can i get this look from at home?

Best way to get that look is to not touch, wash or brush your hair for a month.

Help me please. I am trying to study and I need some help.?

Who directs the activities during the investigation at a crime scene?

the mayor of the city

the police chief

the first officer on the scene

the lead forensic investigator

the police on the scene

Upon arrival at the scene the first priority is


catch the criminal

find good evidence


first aid for victims

3: The first walk through the crime scene includes

overall photography of the scene

touching as few things as possible

securing the crime scene

documenting smells and sounds around crime scene

all of the above

4: 4. When using hair for evidence it is good to know that

hair is not easily destroyed

hair cannot help determine race

hair can be used in DNA analysis

human hair can easily be confused with that of animals

Two answers are correct

Help me please. I am trying to study and I need some help.?

1. ?

2. safety

3. all of the above

4. two answers are correct

Help me please. I am trying to study and I need some help.?

lead forensic investigator for the 1st one

Help me please. I am trying to study and I need some help.?

i have to take this too... when u get them can u send it to me on my email

Help me please. I am trying to study and I need some help.?

1.1st officer on the scene

2.catch the criminal

3.all of the above

4.Hair can be used

5.They can be quickly

6.for DNA analysis

7.share the love


so im planning on getting jet black extensions on the sides of my hair.. and in the back.. just a tad bit.. so my hair resembles a mullet.. does this sound confusing?

also, im only paying $250 plus hourly..

so this chick who always does my hair..

she uses natural human hair..

you can straihten, wash...etc..

and im getting it in platnium black and a tad but of hot pink...

does this deal sound weird..

its her own shop.. she

is more then qualified..

she went to the tigi academy..

my mom is telling me not to.

considering how cheap...

i mean extensions are usally $2500

but im only getting them for $250.

should i?


um, yeah.

some people do it for cheap considering they don't have that much practice or they're just nice.

i have a friend who's going to beauty school and offered to give me extensions for fifty bucks.

just do it.


hell yea baby, if you can trust the stylist, get that done! i'd love to see a pic of it when you're finished...i've never seen a chic with that kind of style before. email me:


Yes, do it. I paid that money too and it turned out fine.


Jet black sounds so lovely, however the price sounds too good to be true. Your mom probably knows best.


If you trust her and that's what you want, do it!

I would if I could find someone to do it for that.


Um-mm, something about fake hair says it all...Its fake and usually if its not uber expensive then you get what you pay for. I'm all about getting a good deal also but when it comes to my hair i don't make decisions unless I am 100% sure of it and confident. Cause confidence is beauty and if you cant wear them and be all about it then I'd say No. Good luck!

Health Physics. Quick help!?

Explanation preferred!

A human hair breaks under a tension force of 1.2 N. If the tensile strength of human hair is about 2.0x108 Pa, what is the diameter of the hair in microns (10-6m)?

I really need to help because im so confused! Thanks!

Health Physics. Quick help!?

Its been awhile for me. But I think a Pa is force per unit area.


2.0*10^8 Pa/ (1.2N) = your answer.

Please verify my units.

Physics Diameter Question?

A human hair breaks under a tension force of 1.3 N. If the tensile strength of human hair is about 2.0x10^8 Pa, what is the diameter of the hair in microns (10^-6m)?

I have no clue how to solve this problem! Please Help!

Physics Diameter Question?

From geometry, D = 2閳?A/锜?

From mechanics, Stress = F/A, 閳?A = F/S. Ergo,

D = 2閳?F/S锜? = 9.1E-5 m, or .091 mm

Reborning dolls?

I asked this once earlier, but only got one answer... Over the past couple months I have become increasingly interested in roborn dolls, and learning to make them myself. I've found a couple tutorials online, but I would love to know how other artists do it. I admit, I'm slightly confused by the purple wash thing. Do I dye it? Or paint it, and if I paint it do I paint inside or out? Which method works better? If you have any examples of your work, so I can see how the techniques differ, I'd really appreciate it. Please email me, The link thing is in my profile. I'm hoping to avoid the 'dead/bruised' baby look. Also, I like the idea of rooting the hair as opposed to a wig, but I hate the look of mohair. It looks frizzy and just plain odd, in my opinion. Is there some rule about not using human hair? Or is it more a cost thing ?(having gone to cosmetology school I know how pricey a human hair track can be) Any info or tips would be much appreciated! Thanks to all the genuine answers. :)

Reborning dolls?

It's possible they didn't answer because asking for email is a violation. The purpose of yahoo answers is so others can see the answers and be helped by them as well. they can do a search and that way we don't have to read the same question repeatedly. Sorry you only got one answer the first time. Most people who do this are doing it for profit, and not really willing to give away the secrets they had to learn by trial and error.


This can't be true...right?

I was researching the ingredient of bread and found this... is it really true?

" l-cysteine, our research indicates that the source of cysteine is human hair. Cysteine is an amino acid needed by humans, which can be produced by the human body. A very small quantity is used in less than 5% of all bread products. Often the hair of third world women is used. "

This can't be true...right?

Dietary Sources

Cysteine can be found in red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, brussel sprouts, oats, and wheat germ. However, it is not an essential amino acid, and can be synthesized by the human body if a sufficient quantity of methionine is available.


It is interesting to note that currently the cheapest source of material from which food grade L-cysteine may be purified in high yield is by hydrolysis of molecules in human hair. Other sources include feathers and pig bristles. The companies producing cysteine by hydrolysis are located mainly in China. Some debate whether or not consuming L-cysteine derived from human hair is cannibalism. Although many other amino acids were accessible via fermentation for some years, L-Cysteine was unavailable until 2001 when a German company introduced a production route via fermentation (non-human, non-animal origin.)

A source of bonded cysteine (cystine) is undenatured bovine whey protein; this is the same form as that in human breast milk.

This can't be true...right?

i highly doubt it

what is your source?

This can't be true...right?

WOW....hope not....but I will be trying to check that out...

This can't be true...right?

Sounds to me like a lot of other untrue rumors. I remember when it was being reported that there was asbestos in tampons - not true. Try going to and see if it's listed there.

This can't be true...right?

ewww. i hope not....

This can't be true...right?

It doesn't make sense to me. Any human product would be expensive to get. I'd do some more homework. Was that really on the package?

This can't be true...right?


This can't be true...right?

While there are some elements of truth to what you found, the human hair in bread is NOT one of those elements.

Cysteine can be found in red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, brussel sprouts, oats, and wheat germ. However, it is not an essential amino acid.

Yes, right now the cheapest source to synthesize Cysteine is found in human hair, pig bristles, and feathers. However, per WikiPedia:

L-Cysteine was unavailable until 2001 when a German company introduced a production route via fermentation (non-human, non-animal origin.) So see? No worries that you're consuming human products ;)

This can't be true...right?

I went to '' and did some research. I did not find anything that mentioned this, in relation to bread. L-Cysteine is an amino acid that we need and produce in our bodies and it is derived from hair. Foods that produce this acid are beets, alcohol, asparagas, chocolate, milk, and meats.

No where did I find ANYTHING indicating that it is used as mentioned above.

Can i Do this?

Can i go to the hair store and buy Micro Braiding hair (The human hair used for micro braids) And use the Micro Ring/ Micro Link method for extensions?

I just dont have the money to go and buy that remy hair for $100-$300...

Or even do it with the fusion method. Can i apply the glue to this type of hair?

Can i Do this?

you have to buy a special type of weave to do the process and i think they sell the hair and the micro rings in Sally Beauty Supply.

Should I . . .?

Should I buy a wig? I have a large bald spot that's barely covered by my top layer of hair. It's gonna be human hair, but I'm not sure if I should buy it. The doctor said that my hair should grow back in 3 - 6 months. he said @ 3 months, I should have "some fluff." What do you guys think I should do? Oh, also (ignore the avatar) my hair is short, so the top layer could be flipped up a lot more easily than if I had long hair, thanks!

Should I . . .?

閳俱儮娅旈埦锔规珪 As you can see the female above me said has worn them all of her life, My mother's name is Lisa. My aunt, mother and grandmother have worn them all of there life the wigs become addictive, and they have long hair but the wig has enabled them and now they can't leave home without it they don't' know how to style their hair and they will feel uncomfortable out in public with out it. I also tried it because I wanted a short look with out cutting my hair. I wore it for like three weeks and then when I took it off it was looking like my edges was thinning out so I took it off and have never returned. I think that it starts to thin it out because of the cap and the elastic that is around the hair line. I truly feel like their is not enough blood circulation to the scalp because of the wig. So the next best thing would be a full head weave with out any glue and that will give your hair the air and blood circulation that it needs to grow. Don't cover up what needs to spout out like a flower. i hope that I have helped you.閳俱儮娅旈埦锔规珪

Should I . . .?

Why don't you just buy a clip in hair piece for the one spot? That would be much more comfortable.

Should I . . .?

Just let it grow out.

Invest in a fab hat colllection you can use later on in life, you can only wear the wig for a little while.

Should I . . .?

Buy some wigs, then you can have whatever color and kind of hair you want!

Should I . . .?

get the wig. you could always take it off if it doesn't work for you.

Should I . . .?

Hi Lissa,

I have worn wigs all of my life and I enjoy them, change, fun! Anyway, for you since it is only temporary, there are very light skin cap wigs that are very light on the scalp and will cover you entire head until your hair totally grows back and that way you don't have to worry about if it shows or part of it isn't and looks funny. They do carry falls that you can piece in with built in clips that aren't very expensive and you don't need to spend alot of money, nor do you need to spend alot of money to buy a human hair wig. Since your situation is so temporary, I wouldn't spend alot of money on the more expensive wigs. The care of the wig or fall is simple, just swish it around in a mild shampoo, don't twist or wring it, just swish it back and forth in your bathroom or kitchen sink, gently sqeeze out the excess water and hang it up to air dry, then gently brush it back into shape. Don't use a hot blow dryer it will kink the hair and ruin your wig. I've got more ideas but try that first.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

Ok, my Red Heeler (aka Australian Cattle Dog) sheds profusely and always seems to be panting. I was thinking of using the clippers I have to buzz some of her hair off (not balk, just down to like an inch thick) .... BUT I'm not sure if human clippers will work well on dog fur!? Also, someone recently told me that their hair actually helps to keep them cool which I didn't think made sense since she sheds much worse in the Summer. So does anyone know FOR SURE?

1) Can I use human hair clippers on a dog successfully?

2) Does buzzing their fur a bit actually help to cool them down or not?

3) Will buzzing them help with shedding?

(Any groomers or vet techs answers would be greatly appreciated!!!)

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

1. you can, but they don't last as long or work as well. animal ones are much better for animals. (the blades reach different lengths than human ones.)

2. no, it won't help cool her down. she isn't a breed with a double coat like a sheltie or chow. most dog hair has hollow parts in it where it holds in heat or cold (whichever is needed), acting like insulation in a sleeping bag.

3. not really. daily brushing with a shedding blade will do that though. (it's a curved comb that's looped around like a big "O" with a handle - it works GREAT on breeds like this.)

i'd go against shaving %26amp; just do a quick thorough brush once a day. and if the dog keeps up with heavy panting, you may want to take it to a vet just to make sure everything's okay. some breeds are prone to heart issues which can show up as panting. it's probably not the case, but it's better to know for sure.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

1. No you can use human clippers take her to a groomers.

2. No buzzing them does not help cool them down. Their fur helps insulate them from the hot as well as the cold weather.

3. No it doesn't help. She will just shed shorter hair. The shedding will not slow down.

You need to just keep brushing your dog and keep it up. Getting all the loose hair will help more than anything else too with shedding.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

The vet will buzz your dos hair FOR you. They have a special kind of clippers for dogs. Not human hair clippers/. Buzzing eases the shedding a little, but not completely. I would reccomend buzzing only for summer and any other hot time of the year.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

Yes human clippers will work.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

I used to have a Shetland sheepdog who had a VERY thick coat. Every summer we would shave her down to about an inch thick. She seemed much happier, there was less shedding, and by leaving the inch or so she didn't get sun burnt or anything.

We bought a special set of clippers. You can actually buy dog grooming kits with the right clippers.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

No. buzz cutting will not help shedding..Short coated dogs shed more because hair is constatntly dying and falling out--i.e shedding. Long coated dogs have longe shank hair which does not shed--they just shed their undercoat twice a year--thus they are sometimes refered to as "non-shedding" dogs--which isn't exactly true.

cutting the hair will not help stop shedding.

A good brushing with a pin brush will help pull out the dead hair. If the skin is scaley and dry--try spraying with Listerine--it helps stop the dry skin and smells.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz? And what to Buzz with?

What will keep you warm in the winter, (dog fur), will keep you cool in the summer. INSULATION!!! the dog has been suplied by nature with INSULATION to protect if from the elimates.

How do I do a silk wrap?

I am african american. I can pretty much do anything to hair. I learned to do different things experimenting. My co-worker came to work with a hair wrap. She always has a hair wrap, but this time it was silky. In other words it looked like the human hair that you buy. I asked her how did her beautician do it and she said she don't know. I know she is not lying because she doesn't know how to do anything to her own hair but wash it. Can someone please help me out and let me know how I can do a silk wrap in my hair to give it that silky look. What do I need to buy, along with the process.

How do I do a silk wrap?

i wear a medium length wrap i do my own hair and mines come out silky too and very bouncy. well i shampoo it then i deep condition it and i leave my conditioner in about 15 to 20 mins while i sit under my hooded dryer then i comb it out and put some "got2b hair , root to tip hair silkener" on it i spray alot on mines and i comb thru it and then i blow dry it and then i flat iron it and wrap it with bobby pins(u dont have to use pins if u don wan dents) but i press mines out in the mornings.. or if u want a full effect u can use rollers and sit under the dryer still using the silkener n conditioner etc..and a nother good thing is to use a SILK scarf or smthin of that nature it helps keep ur hair soft n moisturized u should always sleep with a silk scarf. : ]

How do I do a silk wrap?

all you have to do is i dont know ***** i want points

How do I do a silk wrap?

If I am even half right, you wash and set your hair in a wrap. Sit under the dryer and get dry. Comb out the wrap, flat iron it and wrap i back upwith a silkening product. The key, from what I was told is to wrap the hair with plastic wrap and then get back under the dryer. The wrap should be silky when it is combed out again.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

When I was in 4th grade one day we got a chance to look through a microscope. One of the items was a human hair. I hadn't known then that the hair shaft was hollow. So that afternoon when I got home from school I got a pair of scissors and cut a chunk of hair so I could look at it with my magnifying glass. Of course my mom came in and went ballistic. Then for the next several days every time she was on the phone with someone she told them, "Guess what my daughter did now? She cut a big chunk of her hair off so she could look at it with a magnifying glass! Her hair looks horrible!"

I was mortified, and by the end of the week it seemed like everyone in town knew it!

What have your parents done or said to really embarrass you?

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

I was about 13 and a size 12. my mother brought me into what i call an old lady store, and started to cry to the sales lady. telling her that I was so heavy she couldn't find any thing for me to wear. I walk out of there crying with the most ugly outfit. I brought it home but refused to wear it and every chance my mother got she told everyone how ungrateful i was.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

There were too many where my mother was concerned.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

Sit around the table with my aunts, and older cousins talking about my boobs,when i started my cycle, you name it she told them.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

I had a baby when I was 16 yrs. old and gave it up for adoption (the most terryfiying experience in my whole life) and instead of my parents being supportive, my dad got up in front of the whole church and announced it to everyone. That hurt worse than a slap in the face.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents did or said to you?

when I was 12 I wanted to pluck my eyebrows so I was doing this , when I accidentally plucked half of my right eyebrow all the way and I was scared to get in trouble so I cut my hair and stuck pieces on my eyebrow with super glue so that it would look like nothing happened, for the first day no one noticed anything until the next morning, the glue dried and my eyebrow looked crusty. My dad got so mad and made me wash it off, then he decided to draw my eyebrow with a liner. I looked like a clown, it was horrible!!!!

Whats the difference between...?

human hair and synthetic hair,

Can I curl human hair, and what are some ways to keep it from getting nappy?

Whats the difference between...?

human hair is real and can be curled and have heat on it and even colored. while synthetic sometimes looks fake and sheds easily. you can't do anything to it so it is better to get it already styled. to keep real hair from getting nappy you need to wrap it and sleep in a silk scarf. and use a natural bristle brush. Hope I helped

Whats the difference between...?

brush it, and yes you can curl it.

Whats the difference between...?

well... take ur hair in small sections.. put mouse on it.. then curl with a hot curler.. the curls stay 4 a much longer time that way... but if u want to curl ur hair permenatly go to a salon! they'll do it really nice.. then the curls will last a hundred times longer.. and u can get like 10000 different styles with it curled

Whats the difference between...?

human hair is real

synthetic hair is fake

call ur local hair salon and ask them that

Whats the difference between...?

Human hair means hair that can be treated as if it were your own e.g. curl it, straighten it, style it with mousse, gel, hairspray, etc. ANd Synthetic hair is fake. YOu cant do anything to it cause you can damage it.

Whats the difference between...?

Human hair well is made from human hair. This type of hair can be curled flat iron and etc. This type of hair is more expensisive. You can do anything with this hair.

Synthetic hair is cheap. You cannot flat iron it or put any type of chemicals in it. It also looks very fake. You cannot do alot of stuff with this..

I would go for the human hair

Whats the difference between...?

Human hair is from a human head. Synthetic Hair is NOT!

Whats the difference between...?

Human hair is real human hair and synthetic hair is fake hair. You can curl human hair and if you take good care of it and brush it the way you would brush yours, it shouldn't get nappy.

Whats the difference between...?

Human hair is real hair from humans that you can style as your own. Wash it, brush it, straighten it, curl it, etc. It's also A LOT more expensive but it looks the most natural.

Synthetic hair is fake hair made by man that looks really shiny and unnatural. It gets tangled and nappy super fast. It's cheap and I don't recommend it.

Will this work?

Im dying my hair blonder

and my clip in hair extentions (which are real human hair)

they match my hair colour but i was just wondering if they will dye to the same colour that my natural hair will dye to?



Will this work?

i dont think that they will let u dye ur hair w/ extensions. u will have to take them out in which case they no they wont! sry

Will this work?

i think this will work

Will this work?

Human hair extensions do dye but they might not match the colour of you hair so I would do a test on one of them first and see what the result is first before doing the whole lot.

Can i Do this?

Can i go to the hair store and buy Micro Braiding hair (The human hair used for micro braids) And use the Micro Ring/ Micro Link method for extensions?

I just dont have the money to go and buy that remy hair for $100-$300...

Or even do it with the fusion method. Can i apply the glue to this type of hair?

Can i Do this?

you have to buy a special type of weave to do the process and i think they sell the hair and the micro rings in Sally Beauty Supply.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

I just got a yorkie puppy, and I'm not allergic to it yet. (I don't know if I want to keep it yet.) I heard that since yorkie hair is like human hair, you can't be allergic to it. I am allergic to cats sometimes, but I dont know if I am allergic to it yet. Also, what types of human foods can I feed to her, and what types of human food shouldn't I feed to her? For example, carrots, yogurt, cucumber, and stuff that you would usually find at someone's house. Thanks.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

Or any dog.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

you could be and shou;d check with your allergist, but if you really love the dog and your possible allergies dont bother you dont worry, but there are meds and allergy shots to take if you want, anjd all dogs are different, human food izn't the best idea, but actually fruits and veggies are good for your dog, hope this helps

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

Of course you could be allergic, but if you haven't displayed any symptoms yet, it is unlikely that you will. You don't know if you want to keep it yet? Why did you get it then? A dog is a commitment and you don't get them on a trial basis. Dogs bond very quickly and anytime they are moved to a different home it is traumatizing to them.

Food that you can feed a dog is basically any vegetable exept for onions, any fruit except grapes, raisins or apple seeds (the apple fruit is fine,) and any meat or eggs. No wheat, corn, soy or chocolate.

If you are looking to only feed home food, make sure you do your homework to make sure the ratios are right, or you are better off feeding a high quality dog food.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

Yorkies do not have fur like human hair(those breeds are poodles and poodle mixes and a few other breeds).

NEVER feed your dog chocolate, grapes,Pear pits, the kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple core pits, Broccoli (in large amounts), coffee, mushrooms, ect...

You can also google that for more information. The best feeding program is to feed only dog food(good quality).

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

Don't feed your Yorkie any Human food. You start that and you'll have feeding problems. You can be allergic to anything.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

it is not the fur that people are allergic to, it is the dander = dead skin flakes %26amp; the saliva.

therefore you can be allergic to any dog. there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog either.

there are things you can do to surpress the problems tho

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

go to the docter and see i imagine you can be allergic to anything what i feed my dog is table scraps my dog is almost three

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

You can be allergic to any dog. But you probably would be allergic to itbuy now.

God,s Speed and Grace

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

Yorkie hair isn't like human hair, its like dog hair. If you're allergic to dogs , then you will most likely be allergic to a yorkie too. It may be a very low shed breed, but it still has hair and pet dander . Also, why don't you just feed the dog , dog food? There really is no need to feed your dog cucumbers and stuff like that. Just feed it a good quality balanced dog food. Why did you get a dog if you don't know if you're allergic to them? This is why there are so many homeless dogs in shelters. A puppy isn't just an experiment to figure out if you're allergic or not.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

You can be allergic to anything with fur. Fur bearing creatures all create dander which is what you're specifically allergic to. As far as feeding her, I wouldnt feed her people food period if you can avoid it. Too many chemicals and preservatives in it but if U feel U must for whatever reason, stick to lamb and rice (both cooked and unseasoned).

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

No you cant be allergic to yorkies. They do not have undercoats like other dogs and they do not shed their hair. Their hair is not like other dogs, its not fur.

I have a yorkie and they are adorable loving little creatures, but very naughty. If you would like to know more about the yorkies, visit this website: Yorshire Terrier - Wikipedia the free encylcopedia.

Its very useful. But do not worry they are the best dogs to have if you have allegies. You will be fine.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

yeah some people

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

most people are actually allergic to pet dander I use main-n-tail conditioner to help with this on my 3 dogs (made for use on horses- course hair and dry skin) NO PEOPLE FOOD !!!! if you want to give them a treat try ice cubes (cold, crunchy and wet) my dogs love them

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

It is possible for a human to be allergic to any dog! and you really shouldnt feed your dog human food!!!!!!

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

yorkies are 100% hypoallergenic. my dad's allergic to dogs but is fine with my yorkie. i suggest that you don't feed her a lot of human or it can acullaly kill her. if you feed her human food fedd her: sweet potato, vegies, home made popsicles, and some meat. it's not okay for dogs to eat or drink dairy products and grapes. thyey will vomit. my yorkie ate to much human food, and if he eats any more it will kill him. if you want to feed her dog food, i reccomend "Royal Cannine". you can get it at Pet Value.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

You can feed her meat,fruits--- remember not too much and too often.I sell pet products in China so I know you'd better buy Animal-food for her.It's good for her health.

Can you be allergic to a yorkie puppy?

you can't be allergic to dogs that don't shed. cats shed and that is why some people are allergic to them, like me. I have 2 yorkies and I have no allergy problems with them! So you will be fine!

Washing my extensions everyday?

following one of my other question's I recently bought some hair extensions they are real human hair remi grade clip ins. they are just what i wanted and the clips stay in really well. however i have been brought up to wash my hair everyday and I have no idea what to do about my extensions. i have been informed that I can curl, straighten or dye them but I don't no how to wash them. I know that they can be washed (in warm water with a small amount of shampoo) but seeing as I wash my hair everyday this is my problem do I ...

a) remove them each morning before I shower and then re-clipped them back in


b) rely on the clips and wash my hair carefully with the extensions in.

I would really like to remove the extensions before I shower and then just wash them when needed but I have to get up at 6:30 each morning to shower and get dressed to leave at 7:20 so that won't leave me long to re-attach my extensions.

Can anyone help ?


Washing my extensions everyday?

I think you should wash them at night, and take them out when you wash them. That way you'll have plenty of time, and the water won't ruin the clips. :)

Washing my extensions everyday?

no! you take teh extesntions out and wash them by them self! you'll ruin the clip!!

Sew In Weave Help.?

I got a sew in weave about a month ago. I bought european silky human hair. I had the weave professionaly done and it looked great. I just washed my hair and when I tried to brush it, it became a tangled mess. I literally cant get my brush through the hair. Im going tomorrow to get it taken out by a professional. I just wanted to make sure my real hair wont be damaged and how they will get this out. Im worrying myself so much thinking they might have to cut my hair. Will they have to cut my real hair to get the sew in weave out?

Any anwsers would be so appreciated.

Sew In Weave Help.?

I had weave sewn in my hair every 3 months for half a year last year. I do not recommend this, whatsoever. I learned the hard way. The first time I did it, I absolutely loved it and I loved the girl that did it for me. It looked great.. very, very similar to Barbie's or Paris Hiltons.. it was so amazing! Towards the end, my mom was on me all of the time to get them out because I was born with such great hair, but since I was always highlighting it, it showed.. and my hair was very fine, still long, but very fine. The end result of the weave left me with a "rat tail". I had lost probably a good 4-5 inches of my real hair, and I was left with shoulder length.. with stringy layers and all around hair. I cried.. and cried.. and cried. Get them out immediately please. Pull your hair into a ponytail tonight, and see the hairdresser first thing tomorrow. She/He will be able to deal with it I promise. It hurts a little, but definitely worth it.

Also, I have my little secret hair extension site I came across a few months ago. It is a gold mine.. really! Email me and I will give you the site.. trust me.. if you are a die-hard fan of hair extensions, you will love this!! Good luck.. and don't worry!

Sew In Weave Help.?

No, they won't have to cut your hair. The person removing the weave just has to cut the thread used to sew in the extensions. Maybe you should consider asking for advice on how to care for the weave instead of having it removed. You may have done something wrong that you could avoid if you had the proper information on how to care for your "hair".

Sew In Weave Help.?

No they won't have to cut your real hair. And also you need to care for the weave hair just as you would care for your own (conditioner, detangler, moisturizure and so on). Also I've found that the more expensive the hair is or when the hair is better quality, it does not tangle like that.

Sew In Weave Help.?

hi as it was sewn in, your hair will not come of as the stylist will have to just cut the thread, weaves are good but you have to be careful when washing not to rub to hard as they get tangled.



I am really interested in microbraids. However I noticed that some people's braids look really thin. I have a good grade of hair (I am African American but 1/4 Cherokee Indian). My hair is straight but thin. I really want my braids to look full. (I like big hair so I usually wear tracks.) Would it be possible to achieve full hair with the braids? I want to use a curly human hair. Also, what is the maintenance and upkeep?I had braids when my hair was thicker a couple of years ago..and they got nappy and frizzy at the top so I took them down after a month. I dont want to spend $200 for only one month. Please help! Lol thanks.


You lost me at "good grade of hair".


well if you don't like thin braids, try looking for someone who does thicker micros. also, if your hair is not short (around shoulder length, like mine) go for kinky-twists. micros are more for people who have shorter hair.

if you are good at keeping up your tracks you can also keep your micros for a long time. around 2-4 months is the limit. and if you decide to keep them in longer than that, just get sections all around the hairline re-done and keep them in a ponytail for another month.

if you search hard, you can find someone who can do them for around $160-$170 or maybe even lower. i know a girl who can do kinky twists for $100, but it all depends on where you live.

How to achieve this hairstyle?

This is sort of like the brigitte bardot hairstyle, ive heard you need to purchase a human hair fall to attach to the head and to hide the separation between it and your actual hair by using those stylish head bands/head scarves. what do you think? can i do it without the human hair fall and still acheive the very high/voluminous part in the back?

How to achieve this hairstyle?

If you have enough volume in your own hair sure. Just experiment with it a bit to get the right look. Personally though, I think it looks better with the attachment and band.

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

im puerto rican and i have ringlet curls..i was wondering if i can get straigh human hair weave..i think that is what they are called right? because when i straighten my hair it dosent get straight like americans hair..but i thought a weave would look good? do they have to straighten my hair first? will the weave hide my curly hair and give me silky straight hair? im very confused please help me!

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

You would probably have to get a sew in, in which, your hair is braided down and the weave is sewn in. Therefore your curly hair wont peep through.

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

anyone can get a weave

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

Yes except for white people they're not called weaves they're called extensions.

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

no man your tripping

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

anyone can get extensions. they can put in microbraids or bond(glue) it into your hair.

it won't hide your curly hair but it might make your hair seem silkier when it's blended.

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

they might straighten your hair first thenput in straight weave. depends on where you go, they might put in some clip in weave that allows you to curl it as well. as for it hiding your natural hair, yes. but you will have to ask the hairdresser your questions to get their opinions.

Im puerto rican.Is it possible for me to get a weave? PLEASE HELP!?

Why wouldn't you be able to? They just braid the hair and sew the weave on so it completely covers your curly hair.

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...

I just wanted to know if my weave that is made up of 100% human hair, can be curled, with a curling iron??? and look curly??? cause lots of people say that whatever you do with your natural hair, you can do with human hair weave...I'm just asking this before I go to the hairdresseser and ask her to do it...And also, would it be wise to do it myself at home? after all I don't want to like burn it or something...that would be totally embarrasing...LOL!

閳绢櫄hanks, for all ur answers!!!!!!閳?br>This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

You are right! Anything you can do with your hair you can do with the Human Hair!! If you can curl your hair your self then save your self the money and do it yourself! If you have plug in Irons turn them on medium and you will not burn your hair out!!

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

I don't have experience with it. But my mom has one and the hair dresser curls it for her. And at home she flat irons it. I guess you can do it at home but be careful not to burn yourself.

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

Yes, your weave can be washed, dried, curled, braided, wrapped as your hair can be done...............

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

You can curl human hair. Just don't put the flat iron or curling iron on a real high setting. A low setting like 3 or 4 is fine...don't go higher than that. You don't want to scorch the hair.

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

Synthetic hair depending on variety can do really bad with heat- it all depends on what you want more flexibility to style with. If you want to curl, human hair is more $$ but worth it for styling ;)

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

I believe all human hair weaves can be curled. I have had all my hair weaves curled and even crimped. I recommend letting the hairstylist do it for you though. Also understand that if you do it yourself read the instructions for what type of setting the curling iron needs to be on. You don't want to burn the hair. The best hair for washing, curling and even coloring is Remi Velvet. This hair is human hair and is very fine because it is "virgin hair". It is the one hair you can do everything and I mean everything to it that you do to your own natural hair. It tangles less and it lasts a long time. I have it in my hair as a sew in and I have had it since the beginning of April. I have had it washed, curled and crimped two times already and it looks fresh and new each time. If a person look at now they would think I just put it in today. This hair is expensive a 12 inch costs about $60 a pack. A 14 inch costs about $80 a pack. But it is worth it for how long it lasts. You can keep it for about three months at the least. Well let us know how it turns out....

I hoped this helped

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

I would get human hair it may cost a lot more but u can do every thing with it.Wash it curl it flat iron it.I wouldn't do it at home because you could mess it up or mess up your hair

This question is for black girls specificaly, but anyone who has experience with this, can answer...?

Yes, those people are right!

Nice 'n' easy brightening maxi?

i just bought some bleach and it was called something like that. its the only one ive heard of thats said to work well on even black hair in just one process. has any used this, and if so, does it work well? i bought two boxes (one for my own shoulder-length hair and the other for my 100%human hair extensions) and a box of light blond. i have almost black hair and want to go platinum-white. my hair's been difficult to lift in the past, and im pretty impatient when it comes to hair coloring. is this brand effective and quick?

Nice 'n' easy brightening maxi?

why would you want to dye your hair platium blonde black/brown hair is better then blonde

How do I do a silk wrap?

I am african american. I can pretty much do anything to hair. I learned to do different things experimenting. My co-worker came to work with a hair wrap. She always has a hair wrap, but this time it was silky. In other words it looked like the human hair that you buy. I asked her how did her beautician do it and she said she don't know. I know she is not lying because she doesn't know how to do anything to her own hair but wash it. Can someone please help me out and let me know how I can do a silk wrap in my hair to give it that silky look. What do I need to buy, along with the process.

How do I do a silk wrap?

i wear a medium length wrap i do my own hair and mines come out silky too and very bouncy. well i shampoo it then i deep condition it and i leave my conditioner in about 15 to 20 mins while i sit under my hooded dryer then i comb it out and put some "got2b hair , root to tip hair silkener" on it i spray alot on mines and i comb thru it and then i blow dry it and then i flat iron it and wrap it with bobby pins(u dont have to use pins if u don wan dents) but i press mines out in the mornings.. or if u want a full effect u can use rollers and sit under the dryer still using the silkener n conditioner etc..and a nother good thing is to use a SILK scarf or smthin of that nature it helps keep ur hair soft n moisturized u should always sleep with a silk scarf. : ]

How do I do a silk wrap?

all you have to do is i dont know ***** i want points

How do I do a silk wrap?

If I am even half right, you wash and set your hair in a wrap. Sit under the dryer and get dry. Comb out the wrap, flat iron it and wrap i back upwith a silkening product. The key, from what I was told is to wrap the hair with plastic wrap and then get back under the dryer. The wrap should be silky when it is combed out again.

Sew In Weave Help.?

I got a sew in weave about a month ago. I bought european silky human hair. I had the weave professionaly done and it looked great. I just washed my hair and when I tried to brush it, it became a tangled mess. I literally cant get my brush through the hair. Im going tomorrow to get it taken out by a professional. I just wanted to make sure my real hair wont be damaged and how they will get this out. Im worrying myself so much thinking they might have to cut my hair. Will they have to cut my real hair to get the sew in weave out?

Any anwsers would be so appreciated.

Sew In Weave Help.?

I had weave sewn in my hair every 3 months for half a year last year. I do not recommend this, whatsoever. I learned the hard way. The first time I did it, I absolutely loved it and I loved the girl that did it for me. It looked great.. very, very similar to Barbie's or Paris Hiltons.. it was so amazing! Towards the end, my mom was on me all of the time to get them out because I was born with such great hair, but since I was always highlighting it, it showed.. and my hair was very fine, still long, but very fine. The end result of the weave left me with a "rat tail". I had lost probably a good 4-5 inches of my real hair, and I was left with shoulder length.. with stringy layers and all around hair. I cried.. and cried.. and cried. Get them out immediately please. Pull your hair into a ponytail tonight, and see the hairdresser first thing tomorrow. She/He will be able to deal with it I promise. It hurts a little, but definitely worth it.

Also, I have my little secret hair extension site I came across a few months ago. It is a gold mine.. really! Email me and I will give you the site.. trust me.. if you are a die-hard fan of hair extensions, you will love this!! Good luck.. and don't worry!

Sew In Weave Help.?

No, they won't have to cut your hair. The person removing the weave just has to cut the thread used to sew in the extensions. Maybe you should consider asking for advice on how to care for the weave instead of having it removed. You may have done something wrong that you could avoid if you had the proper information on how to care for your "hair".

Sew In Weave Help.?

No they won't have to cut your real hair. And also you need to care for the weave hair just as you would care for your own (conditioner, detangler, moisturizure and so on). Also I've found that the more expensive the hair is or when the hair is better quality, it does not tangle like that.

Sew In Weave Help.?

hi as it was sewn in, your hair will not come of as the stylist will have to just cut the thread, weaves are good but you have to be careful when washing not to rub to hard as they get tangled.



Well I'm thinking of getting extensions to make my hair more fuller, or more longer.

Heres a pic of what my hair looks like:

~My hair is natural dark brown~

(Which one is better to get?)

1.Real human hair or the fake kind?

2. Clip in or weave?

3. Which one is cheaper to buy?

4. Where to buy them?

5. Do I have to color my hair to get it the right color for the extensions?


Use real hair if you want a natural look, i suggest weaving in method but you can always use bonding (glue) that you can do yourself, and you should be able to find a shade of hair that matches your natural hair color without dye. Go to and search for the nearest Sally Beauty Supply closest to you and they could help you with everything. Real hair is as cheap as $29.99


1,Human hair, 2. Weave, 3. you get what you pay for! 4. Google "hair weave to your area, 5. Not sure!


I am really interested in microbraids. However I noticed that some people's braids look really thin. I have a good grade of hair (I am African American but 1/4 Cherokee Indian). My hair is straight but thin. I really want my braids to look full. (I like big hair so I usually wear tracks.) Would it be possible to achieve full hair with the braids? I want to use a curly human hair. Also, what is the maintenance and upkeep?I had braids when my hair was thicker a couple of years ago..and they got nappy and frizzy at the top so I took them down after a month. I dont want to spend $200 for only one month. Please help! Lol thanks.


You lost me at "good grade of hair".


well if you don't like thin braids, try looking for someone who does thicker micros. also, if your hair is not short (around shoulder length, like mine) go for kinky-twists. micros are more for people who have shorter hair.

if you are good at keeping up your tracks you can also keep your micros for a long time. around 2-4 months is the limit. and if you decide to keep them in longer than that, just get sections all around the hairline re-done and keep them in a ponytail for another month.

if you search hard, you can find someone who can do them for around $160-$170 or maybe even lower. i know a girl who can do kinky twists for $100, but it all depends on where you live.

HELP- Braid dilemma?

I am having my hair braided tomorrow at an African Hair Braiding place where they will provide the hair. My question is would it be better for me to buy my own hair to make sure it is quality or should I trust the hair that they use- a friend of mine told me they have it shipped from Africa. (Human Hair Straight)

HELP- Braid dilemma?

I have done's most convenient though if they have the hair, you usually only save a few bucks if it's human hair. Most of them buy it shipped from Asia not Africa and the braid shops that I have gone to have even directed me to their supplier if I wanted to buy it wholesale.

HELP- Braid dilemma?

just give them a chance first and if you like the way it comes out. do it again if not get your own hair.

HELP- Braid dilemma?

why don't you ask them about the quality? if it is good quality it will be very expensive, but they don't usually use african hair because it's so brittle, it's usually from europe or asia so you might want to look into it.

HELP- Braid dilemma?

you should have had a consultation with them first--so ya'll could've determined THEN what would be the best alternative---maybe reschedule your appointment and consult with them first---just ask 2 see their types of hair and whether or not it will match with your own......good luck

Best/most natural wigs? where to buy? how to wear?

Hello all :)

I have been DYING to try a wig my entire life. I have shoulder length hair but because it's curly and wavy it takes like 30 minutes to flat iron, blow dry etc. I want a wig to just wear and go to a party if I feel lazy one day!

I want it to be:

1) 100% human hair

2) long length (hit almost 2 inches above elbow)

3) no one can say it's fake

4) less than $100!

I looked at ebay webite and saw many wigs made of human hair but can't really say how they will look on me and my most important question here is: How to wear it so my shoulder length hair doesn't show up underneath.... Has anyone everr tried wearing wigs? Where do you buy them from?

Any info will be much appreciated :)


Best/most natural wigs? where to buy? how to wear?

Did you know that human hair wigs have the be styled as well? They won't hold a style as well as synthetic wigs do. Rethink synthetic.

Best/most natural wigs? where to buy? how to wear?


Keep dreaming.

You're going to have to pay A LOT more than $100 for a high quality wig.

Best/most natural wigs? where to buy? how to wear?

Check out QVCs website. Theres a lady that comes on there name Toni and she sales wigs and extensions. They are don't look fake at all and have tons of colors to choice from.

Where can I buy thin extensions? (for color not length)?

Im trying just find thin extension strips so i can dye them and put them in my hair. I dont want to color my real hair so thats why I just want a light blonde clip in human hair extension peice (not a fullhead set, just one peice.)

Kind of like this width/size:

But of course, I just want a bleach blonde one.

Oh and I dont want to oder them off an online store because I have had badd expeirence with it, so if anybody could tell me anys stores they know of that just sell just human hair extension peices similar to that, please tell me! it would help SO much!

Where can I buy thin extensions? (for color not length)?

the only thing i can suggest is going to sally's. you can get a 1/2 bag of hair, which is still more than you want, but you can have extra in case you want to switch colors later. Ask the girls to help you pick out human hair in the lightest shade of blonde possible, that way you can dye other strips different colors if you so choose. You'll also need weaving thread, a sewing needle, and extension clips, none of which are expensive.

What is the scientific purpose of humans having genetic variation with different eye and hair color?

Science doesn't talk about "purpose". Science is about How not Why.

What is the scientific purpose of humans having genetic variation with different eye and hair color?

You will find that certain genetic variations generally originated from specific areas. e.g. blonde hair and blue eyes originated in northern Europe, Red hair and green eyes originated in Scotland and Ireland, etc. The most common hair type is dark, that is brown and black, and the most common eye type is brown. There are many possible reasons for this from camouflage to survival of the elements, to the basic principals of attraction and reproduction.

What is the scientific purpose of humans having genetic variation with different eye and hair color?

Science doesn't talk about "purpose". Science is about How not Why.

What is the scientific purpose of humans having genetic variation with different eye and hair color?

You will find that certain genetic variations generally originated from specific areas. e.g. blonde hair and blue eyes originated in northern Europe, Red hair and green eyes originated in Scotland and Ireland, etc. The most common hair type is dark, that is brown and black, and the most common eye type is brown. There are many possible reasons for this from camouflage to survival of the elements, to the basic principals of attraction and reproduction.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

I fitted a full head of human hair extensions a month ago using hair from a quite well-known company.

The client has emailed me saying that the hair is dry, unmanageable and like 'horse hair' !! She is basically saying it is a complete nightmare.

I have an extensionist friend who uses this hair all the time and has never had any complaints....and the supplier also stated that they rarely get complaints.

The supplier, and me, think that it does sound like it is lack of nourishment and lack of aftercare, as extensions do need a lot of maintenance.

I have emailed the client a list of questions to determine the cause of this so will wait for reply.

But, if it seems she is looking after them properly (and i suspect that she will believe and stand by the fact that she is) who is liable?

The company said they could all be removed and sent up for analysis and if the company is liable the hair will be replaced.

Would i be in my rights to charge for a re-fit?

Thank U :-)

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

Some people are never happy. She might have buyer's remorse and might be fishing for a refund or some freebies. I'd say the best course of action would be to invite her back in so you can inspect it and really grill her about how she's been maintaining her hair. Don't give in right away, because there are people out there who ALWAYS complain, just in case they can get something out of it...even if there's nothing wrong.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

If she is a loyal customer, and don't want to lose her...then maybe you should try to see what you can do for her so she can be happy.

If you can live w/out her money, then try to not give her a free-be if that's what she wants.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

Hello being that you are a specialist in this area, I would make sure that she is doing and using the products that she is supposed to use. Maybe she is just not used to having the hair to take care of. Definately send off the hair to be analyzed after you inspect the hair yourself. You are in your rights to charge again however, she will probably not pay you and may not come back to you for later services. She may also be complaining because she feels the service cost her to much money and may be just trying to get her money back, which you should not do.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

1. id get the client to come to you and not by email

2. normally the client only has two weeks to come back if anyting is wrong or say a few strands need replacing or a strip.( in my salon this is what happens )

3. and no offence if your good at what you do you will know by the feel of the extensions ,weather she has looked after them or not.

4. if you have to get them analysed then do (but this should of all been done before you even got them)

5. if there is something wrong with them then its the suppliers fault , and thay should reimburse the lady with her money.

6. if she wont's more back in then yes charge her for fitting them again.

personally i would find a supplier to stop this happening again in the future , also make sure you give the client the does and donts (aftercare) and state before even putting them in thay only have two weeks to come back if anything is wrong otherwise you will get clients doing this to you all the time , even after 2 maybe 3 months thay will come back.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

It sounds to me that this lady is chancing her arm, she's trying to get something for nothing. I would not accept emails as you should have a look at the extensions and see for yourself what they're like, you will also be able to explain to her that if the hair goes for investigation that the supplier will be able to tell if she has used the right products for hair extensions. If I were you I would put up a notice letting customers know that there is only a two week guarantee with extensions and that the proper products must be used all the time, even if you got some aftercare cards printed up it would be worth it to you. You are well within your rights to charge her for a re-fit IF she has been using the wrong products if like she said she has been using the right products then send the hair back to the supplier and charge them for the first fit and the re-fit. I am not in the hair business but we do own our own business and know the dilemma you are in possibly because of either customer neglect or supplier faults.

Good Luck.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

you would probably have to claim of the hair extension supplier for this

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

I would ask the client to come back in so you can look at her hair. If it is a mess you should send away the extensions to the supplier to check. As it is human hair it can vary in texture and this lady seems to have got a bad lot. I think you should put it right for her and claim off the suppliers. You do not want bad publicity

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

from what your saying i would think you have a client who wants a refund so get her back in the shop and examine and make an excuse she has to come back in again make it a nuisance to her my bet is she'll give up especially if you say in your opinion there is nothing wrong

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

Well if the company finds that something was wrong with the extentions, I dont think it woulkd be fair to charge her for a refit. Although its not your fault, it isnt her either. If the company says the hair extentions were not well taken care of, the by all means charge the woman. Its your job to make sure your customers are happy and well taken care of, plus she'll continue to bring in business if she is satisfied with the service.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

tell her to go elsewhere then if she doesn't like it. maybe give her money back and tell her sorry it didn't work out like she planned.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

Sounds as if the problem is not with you, but the hair. I would send the client the hair company information and let her fight it out with them.

If you put the hair extensions in as instructed, then you did your job. If the company sends her more hair to try, I would charge her again. Maybe, out of courtesy, I would give her a discount. But, after reading the attached email, it's clear that she is not upset with you or your work. So, yes, charge her for a re-fit.

How do i handle this client? Hairdressers welcome to answer!!?

hi, I am a qualified hairdresser and extensionist. I know personally as I have extensions in that you need to be using the correct shampoo and conditioner and treating it better then what you would your normal hair. Having extensions isn't for everyone. To keep the extensions in the best of condition they you need to take a great deal of extra care with them. By following correct instructions and aftercare. Personally I would charge for a re-fit, I know that extensions can get knotted easily and matted up but its all about how you look after them. Even mine get out of hand when im lazy so in answer to your question yes i would charge for a re fit.

Why are humans always trying to mimic the natural existence of things?

Do you feel, what we know today, is all we were programmed to know, due to our enviroment, and the way we percieve things around us. Like for example, humans built houses to protect them and shelter them, to me this is an example of the human body, the other part, its there to protect the rest of organs. And humans put windows on their houses, thats like the human eye, and human put window "Cealings" on their houses, this relates to the human eye lids...roof on the house, human hair. ETC. humans built guns, if you look at how a gun is shaped, its like a male penis shooting..too graphic?

i know not all things are like this..for example. televisions, computers, books....but when you think of it, we are actually growing each generation, cause we think of new things, rather than what we see around us. like before, everyone didn't think, they just looked around, and assemble their life based on what, they already we're pushing beyond yea. i wasted 5 points askin

Why are humans always trying to mimic the natural existence of things?

The world is as we see it, because we are the ones seeing it. There are no true original thoughts, just re-hashings of old thought. For example the evolution of listening to music: radio---%26gt;records--%26gt;8 tracks--%26gt;cassette players--%26gt;CD's--%26gt;MiniDisks--%26gt;MP3's--%26gt;sat... radio. All can be traced back to an original or root idea, which was tweaked to produced to following idea. Everything you think that's "new" in this generation, is in fact very old. Look at communication: grunting--%26gt;art--%26gt;spoken language--%26gt; written language--%26gt;mail--%26gt;telegram--%26gt; telephone--%26gt;satellite phone--%26gt;cellular phone--%26gt;e-mail--%26gt;instant message--%26gt;text message etc. All of these "newer" forms are in reality no different from the older forms, in terms of what they actually accomplish.

Why are humans always trying to mimic the natural existence of things?

Maybe you have to take a bigger look. Humans should not be seen apart from the system of nature.

And natures way was allways trial and error. Only the things survived that addapted the best AND invented the best. Creativity is an important part in evolution.

Roofs were not an invention by humans. Since ever the animals/apes/humans tried to be under something, because it gave you security against rain (= wet/cold/sick/death) amongst others. Caves as shelter are as important as fire in my opinion. Windows are necessary to see what enemies aproach, etc.

A gun is shaped like a penis, to use your words, because it's the most efficient way to handle that kind of weapon. It presses the arm back while shooting, so you need a secure, string position while holding it. Towards the target is best for that.

And of course one of the main thing that humans learned was, that mother nature has alot of good concepts allready developed for problems that we have. So we copy them. It's better then investing energy in something "new" that's often bad anyway.

Girl's I Need Help..?

Okay so here's my problem I originally have black medium length hair, my hair is originally wavy (I absoultley hate it) I like to wear it straight and I always have a hard time straightening my hair.

I bought a hair-do clip in extension, amazing idea.

But now before college I wanna change my hair color but im not sure if I should get human hair extensions.. or would that make it more difficult for me to straighten my hair?

I need advice thanks.

Girl's I Need Help..?

get your hair permanently straightened at the hairdresser, hair extentions make people look trash.

Girl's I Need Help..?

Extensions ruin your hair so I would just stick to the clip in ones

Girl's I Need Help..?

good luck then

Girl's I Need Help..?

I agree; human hair extensions would be absolutely horrible for your hair. And they're SO annoying to straighten- trust me, I've tried.

Much Love


Is it possible for a white girl to get a weave, then dye it?

I am a white girl with dark brown hair, but I want hot pink hair more than anything.

My mom insists that if I bleach my hair, it'll be damaged, even though I've had parts bleached before. I'm only worried about getting my roots touched up often, so I was wondering if I weave would be a good idea.

I want to get a blonde weave, as close to white as possible (human hair, of course) and I want to dye it hot pink.

I'm not sure if that'll work or not, should it?

Also, how long do weaves usually last?

When the salon people braid my hair, then sew in the weave and my hair eventually grows out, do I have to get my hair rebraided and get a new weave, or can I get them to rebraid it and use the same old weave?

Is it possible for a white girl to get a weave, then dye it?

white girls can get weaves too.

everyones head is the same.

Is it possible for a white girl to get a weave, then dye it?

you'd have to get it rebraided with a new one, i'm pretty sure.

Is it possible for a white girl to get a weave, then dye it?

Half the girls in Hollywood are wearing weaves, so yes. As long as you don't shave your head they have something to anchor the strands to.

Is it possible for a white girl to get a weave, then dye it?

yes, it is weaving hair into your own hair, and basically making your hair longer. Be careful tho, if you have anyhting other than naturally streight hair, your hair (that provides the foundation for the weave) may get frizzy under water, so defanatly ask before getting it one, but think about getting it somewhat permanatly streightened.

A weave would be fine, and dying it pink will be too (jeffree star and Audrey kitching do it no less than once a month!), just make sure they are done right, and don't curl. imagine your hai being perfect, and then getting into the shower just to have the top of your head frizz and the bottom still be nice.... not o good. if the tracks are tight enough that may not happen, but just ask to be sure, i dont want you getting any unexpected supprises.

Weaves cn be sewn or glued in, and it takes about 1-4 hours to do so. depending on wat type you get, and how you take care of them, the may last between 3-6 weeks or so i've heard) When re-doing them, you will have to take them out and get them re-sewn. (and you amy also have to re dye them.)

There are other typesof extentions that may be much more benificial in your situation. you may want to look into that.

If you need any more help with hair, hair color/dying or extentions please message me, i credit myself with knowing a decent ammount on the subject, and would be more than happy to help you out.

anyways, good luck, im sure it'll look great! :)

Do you want 10 points?

Alright, i'm getting my hair and my extentions dyed tomorrow finally (human hair clip in) because my hair is a light golden brown ....... i'm 75% italian and i really want that italian look like medium brown hair color with a few caramel highlights in the front of my face, but i need opinons with my complection .. thanks!

i'm looking at adrianna lima hair color when it's not too dark.


The lighting awful but as you can see my hair is lighter on the top and darker on the bottom due to the sun .. i actually have darker brown natural hair color(:

Do you want 10 points?

you look good as u are .im 50 % italian , stay the way u are , oh yes thanks for the 10 pts.

Do you want 10 points?

i think that will look really good on you!!

Do you want 10 points?

yes i want ten points.. that was your question.. my answer is yes :D

Do you want 10 points?

I do not want 10 points.

Do you want 10 points?

you neeed to dye it darker

Do you want 10 points?

it will look amazing!!!

Do you want 10 points?

I will answer the first question. yes i want free points 閳借 妯呴埥?br>Do you want 10 points?

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean, hair isn't really my 'field' are BEAUTIFUL though and have a great smile! You look like a really fun, happy, person.

Do you want 10 points?

that will look really good on you.

dark hair is really popular now and i think your complexion will look good with it and i think your eyes will also pop cuz they look like a light brown or hazel so darker hair will help them pop!

hope that helps and good luck:)

Do you want 10 points?

i think it looks really cute how it is but it will also look cute if you die it and get carmel highlights. :]

Do you want 10 points?

that will look really good on you.

Do you want 10 points?

You will be able to get away with almost any hair color, with in reason, because of that beautiful complextion. I say go for it, hair always grows back and can always be redone!! I get hella nervous before I color my hair, every single time but I brave it up and do it and I think it will look awesome on you!! Ten points or not lol

Do you want 10 points?

mmmm... caramel... yummy

Do you want 10 points?

I think medium-dark brown hair with caramel highlights will look gorgeous! Go for it!!!

Do you want 10 points?

I do want the 10 points, your hair will look good, you have a great shaped face and you actually already look italian.; )

Do you want 10 points?

Yes go with the medium brown with the highlights that will look great! not to many highlights though. Man that brown hair with your eyes. Oh yeah go with it girl!!

Do you want 10 points?

Yes! Your skin tone is perfect for medium brown hair. Just make sure that the highlights are only a shade or two darker than the base color-- highlights that are too obvious will look tacky.

Do you want 10 points?

I want 10 points please, thank you

Do you want 10 points?

oh yes yes yes :]]

that would loook soo cute.

with medium brown hair.

caramel and maybe some light blonde highlights

would look adorable.

also maybe some red? not like hot red.

but a warm red that would like blend in kinda.

Do you want 10 points?

your hair is pretty %26amp; long already..why do you need to change it %26amp; add length? I've heard those extensions are crappy and should just get a new cut, trimmed %26amp; a bit of a layerer look, no color. You're pretty just the way you are. 閳?br>Do you want 10 points?

im italian too.

i have light brown hair with blonde highlights

yes it would look good

Do you want 10 points?

I do think the caramel in the front will look good on u it will go with ur complection u have a nice complection so the color u picked will look good.

Do you want 10 points?

Yes I want the points and yes I think it will look good on you. I think it matches your complection and I think it will look good with your eyes too. mmmmhm I think its nice

Do you want 10 points?

I think you look fine, I don't think you have to do anything.

Do you want 10 points?

1. give me my 10 points

2. and go for it. it look great cut and italian.

and .....

give me my points.

Do you want 10 points?

Yeah, you woul look great. You should add more hightights on the top of your head. And maybe curl your hair a bit, or tie it up in a bun...

Do you want 10 points?

i think more than a few caramel highlights would look better. caramel highlights look good on ppl with tans.

Do you want 10 points?

Well of course i want the ten points. And then i think your hair should be darker. The blondish color sort of blended in with your complexion. I think a dark brown with a one to two shade lighter highlights would brighten up your whole face. 閳?br>Do you want 10 points?

hell yeah i want 10 points and yes that will look great with you skin tone!!!

Why won't hair on our heads stop growing? (not everyone though) How is it different from other

I don't see other mammals' hair to grow indefinitely. Is it something special only seen on humans?

Why won't hair on our heads stop growing? (not everyone though) How is it different from other kinds of hair?

Human hair doesn't grow indefinitely either. Everyone has a limit on hair length that is determined by genetics. For some people it's very long, others it's no more than shoulder length.

Fleas on Humans??

This is my situation! We have 2 cats and a dog neither of which have ever been bothered with fleas before anyway my question is I found a flea in my daughters hair and now I'm convinced we all have them eurgh I know but I need to know if fleas can live in human hair or am I being paranoid? I have only seen 1 flea and the animals don't scratch either I'm confused HELP!!! And Before anyone says yes I am sure we don't have lice I know the difference in the way they look Thank You xxx

Fleas on Humans??

Fleas don't like living on humans though they will bite to see if you are tastey. They much prefer animals.

Fleas catch rides anyway they can to come in the house. There, they find the animals and carpet and spread like crazy.

The easiest way to get them off and keep them off of your pets and clear them from the house is to apply Revolution or Advantage to the back of the neck of each cat monthly. It will kill the fleas on your pets within 24 hours or so. It may take the 2nd or even 3rd month treatment of the animals to rid your house - depending on how bad the infestation is. From what you say, it doesn't sound bad at this point

You can check your pets by using a 'flea comb' (comb with fine teeth) and comb them right above the tail. You will scoop up 'flea dirt' if they have fleas. Exposed to water, this dirt will appear bloody.

I would absolutely NOT use flea drops from places other than your vet. Many don't work and some cause serious reactions in animals. I work at a cat vet and we see those problems all the time.

If you do have a bad infestation in your house, I would advise letting your pets spend the day at your vet. They will give them a Capstar tablet to kill all fleas immediately and then will apply Revolution, Advantage or Front Line for month long protection. Meanwhile, while the animals are safely out of the way at the vet, have an exterminator come in and spray your house.

I have six cats that go in and out. I use Revolution on each all year long and we never have a single flea.

Fleas on Humans??

i had the same thing happen with my son. yes they will get in your hair or on your body even but i noticed they didnt wanna hang out long on it is getting colder and they are looking for a way in. i went to walmart and bought a pack of those foggers for fleas and flea eggs and it kill about everything else too, spiders and stuff like that.... it helped alot. flea bites can be a problem also if you have a reaction to them so just fog them out!!! thats what i did. hard for this not to happen if you have inside animals.... good luck and i hope this helps!!!

Fleas on Humans??

Yes fleas can live on people it was probably brought in from the animals. Make sure to get it taken care of fast before they spread like crazy. We used to get them from the cats going out and coming back in then with in a month the fleas were everywhere and we would have to bomb the house.

Fleas on Humans??

Dog fleas (which I believe are the sort which infest cats too) can indeed live on humans, but only for a limited period. I think I remember reading that they can live on us for about 48 hours, but we don't provide an ideal diet for them, and they have to find a dog or cat host to survive.

I've never heard of them in people's hair, though - they are usually found on the arms and the legs.

Fleas on Humans??

As far as i know human fleas have been eradicated,but they still may bite once to find out you are not suitable.BUY THE DROPS FOR THE ANIMALS.

Fleas on Humans??

Yes is the answer. Try Dr Bronners liquid Castille soap in the eucalyptus

flavor for a safe, organic and very effective way to get rid of them

Fleas on Humans??

Fleas can live on humans but they prefer animals. If your home is infested then there will certainly be fleas on the animals or in their bedding so check them out.

If you are certain you saw a flea then do what needs to be done--fumigate the house, wash all the linen, replace pets bedding, etc. Probably best to do it professionally but I know there are DIY products out there. Our dog had fleas once and we "bombed" the house and that was that. Talk to your pets' veterinarian too as there are powerful preventaitve flea products available.

Fleas on Humans??

True Story ( you can check it up in the recent news)

I've heard in Taiwan that a guy got fleas in his ears because he spend too much time with his pets. The doctor have to remove the fleas through surgery.

Anything is possible.

Fleas on Humans??

Fleas and lice are difference wan my kids was in school than had lice and gave it to all of us. the answer to your question i don/t think than live in human hair

Fleas on Humans??

it could be possible. you see lice, fleas, and lich may be different in name but they all are both bloodsucking human and animal dependent parasites. before you actually kept your pets you should've made sure of it that they dont have fleas. i know you cant be too sure though. but just for advise you ought to bring your daughter and your self to a doctor and check if you dont have fleas just to make sure. they can be horrible you know...O_o

Fleas on Humans??

Hi pet flea will bite you but they won't actually live on you but if you have found one then even though your animals are not scratching does not mean that they don't have any fleas...

You should treat all animals for fleas regardless of if you can see any as it is not always possible to see them on the animals in question...but it is better to have them treated that find you have a home infestation of fleas as it is better to prevent than cure...

Regards Jake

Can Oster Hair clippers for Pets be used on humans??

is there a difference between the pet ones and the barber ones?? I want to purchase some good quality clippers, like the kind they use in barber shops. Whats the average price?? Hundreds right?

Can Oster Hair clippers for Pets be used on humans??

NO!you can if you want messed up nails i was very little when i did it and i would never do it agian!

I have a chihuahua m 5 m old, he's losing hair on his upper back rear qtr. and mid section?

We have two other F's and 1 just had her litter of 1 and we understand possible stress but highly doubtful, he got just as much if not more attn then the others. and this just happened within the last week. He also is having we assume his winter coat is starting, because he is a red coat and winter coat coming in is long blond hair in same area. We do not beleive it's mainge because he's not scratching at it nor does it have the bumps which are normally associated with mainge. Please help without advise of "take him to vet" because thats already been done and he wants to start antihistimine or allergy meds. and check ups, "please people, vets don't have all the answers" sorry but I worked for a vet and I saw and understood a lot of things that should not have happened. Not saying all vets are the same IE.. same as human doctors!

I have a chihuahua m 5 m old, he's losing hair on his upper back rear qtr. and mid section?

well first off what kind of food are you feeding him and second what about fleas. ok if no fleas then it usually the food. now the thing that you can do is go to a pet store and buy an e-collar(keeps him from scratching)and he will soon, and then at the store you can buy benadryl spray or you can look at the pet store and see if they have anything for (hot spots), yes this is possible for him to get these. my golden has gotten them when i got her and i did the same thing went and got the stuff from the store. i work in the pet business and have been in it for 15 yrs and you learn to get the information on stuff like this.

now when you go get thei stuff you will need to shave the area and clean it, it needs to air out to heal, after that you need to put the collar on him and spray the spray on the spots about 2-3 times a day and make sure that you clean it every time you put the stuff on it. i can sit here and tell you to go to the vet but you are right they don't always have the right answer that you are looking for but you can always call them to give you advice over the phone and what you can do at home for him.

ok now you might want to change his food, the food plays a mean part in a dogs system, the food you can get is called(chicken soup, or california natural) these foods are good for them and all natural ingredients. i feed the chicken soup because of the ingredients and it is not that expensive. you want a food without(any beef, any corn, no soy, or no wheat) these ingredients will dry out a dogs skin and when it does you end up with hot spots like your dog. also bathe him in an oatmeal bath, the best stuff to use is the aveeno it is very soothing to their skin.

good luck in healing your little dog.

I have a chihuahua m 5 m old, he's losing hair on his upper back rear qtr. and mid section?

yeah vets can be way to high in price, and they end up doing the same thing that you would be able to do at home for a cheaper cost and more effective. good luck and i am glad i could be some help. Report It

I have a chihuahua m 5 m old, he's losing hair on his upper back rear qtr. and mid section?

maybe he does have allergies to something in the air or to flea bites. i was told by a vet you can give them benedryl liquid form and also a lot less than is prescribed for humans...also there is antibiotic spray that you can get at any walmart for this too. i had a cat that lost all his hair right above his tail and used this and it cleared up in a few days. this vet also told me sometimes it can be a vitamin deficiency.

I have a chihuahua m 5 m old, he's losing hair on his upper back rear qtr. and mid section?

your vet could be right, it may well could be allergies. chi's commonly have skin problems due to allergies. try changing his food to something made with whole foods. try going to a feed store and checking out the ingredients on the food. the brand may be little known, but may have a great effect on his skin. also, get some flax seed oil capsules and at one meal a day, cut one open and squeeze the oil onto his food. this will make his coat (and the other dogs coats, if you wish) glossy and soft. it's very safe to give this to dogs so don't fret. if you want, you could go to a local naturopathic store and see what suggestions they have. i know it sounds like quackery, but it has worked wonders for my allergic little minpin. hope this helps....

I have a chihuahua m 5 m old, he's losing hair on his upper back rear qtr. and mid section?

Honey I have the same problem with my dog. he is a teacup rat terrier looks alot like a chihuahua. Every time the seasons change he loses his hair in the same places as yours. I give him benadryl 2 times a day 1 milgram per pound and he gets all his hair so now a days a week before seasons change I start the benadryl and it has not happened again.....