Friday, March 30, 2012

Fleas on Humans??

This is my situation! We have 2 cats and a dog neither of which have ever been bothered with fleas before anyway my question is I found a flea in my daughters hair and now I'm convinced we all have them eurgh I know but I need to know if fleas can live in human hair or am I being paranoid? I have only seen 1 flea and the animals don't scratch either I'm confused HELP!!! And Before anyone says yes I am sure we don't have lice I know the difference in the way they look Thank You xxx

Fleas on Humans??

Fleas don't like living on humans though they will bite to see if you are tastey. They much prefer animals.

Fleas catch rides anyway they can to come in the house. There, they find the animals and carpet and spread like crazy.

The easiest way to get them off and keep them off of your pets and clear them from the house is to apply Revolution or Advantage to the back of the neck of each cat monthly. It will kill the fleas on your pets within 24 hours or so. It may take the 2nd or even 3rd month treatment of the animals to rid your house - depending on how bad the infestation is. From what you say, it doesn't sound bad at this point

You can check your pets by using a 'flea comb' (comb with fine teeth) and comb them right above the tail. You will scoop up 'flea dirt' if they have fleas. Exposed to water, this dirt will appear bloody.

I would absolutely NOT use flea drops from places other than your vet. Many don't work and some cause serious reactions in animals. I work at a cat vet and we see those problems all the time.

If you do have a bad infestation in your house, I would advise letting your pets spend the day at your vet. They will give them a Capstar tablet to kill all fleas immediately and then will apply Revolution, Advantage or Front Line for month long protection. Meanwhile, while the animals are safely out of the way at the vet, have an exterminator come in and spray your house.

I have six cats that go in and out. I use Revolution on each all year long and we never have a single flea.

Fleas on Humans??

i had the same thing happen with my son. yes they will get in your hair or on your body even but i noticed they didnt wanna hang out long on it is getting colder and they are looking for a way in. i went to walmart and bought a pack of those foggers for fleas and flea eggs and it kill about everything else too, spiders and stuff like that.... it helped alot. flea bites can be a problem also if you have a reaction to them so just fog them out!!! thats what i did. hard for this not to happen if you have inside animals.... good luck and i hope this helps!!!

Fleas on Humans??

Yes fleas can live on people it was probably brought in from the animals. Make sure to get it taken care of fast before they spread like crazy. We used to get them from the cats going out and coming back in then with in a month the fleas were everywhere and we would have to bomb the house.

Fleas on Humans??

Dog fleas (which I believe are the sort which infest cats too) can indeed live on humans, but only for a limited period. I think I remember reading that they can live on us for about 48 hours, but we don't provide an ideal diet for them, and they have to find a dog or cat host to survive.

I've never heard of them in people's hair, though - they are usually found on the arms and the legs.

Fleas on Humans??

As far as i know human fleas have been eradicated,but they still may bite once to find out you are not suitable.BUY THE DROPS FOR THE ANIMALS.

Fleas on Humans??

Yes is the answer. Try Dr Bronners liquid Castille soap in the eucalyptus

flavor for a safe, organic and very effective way to get rid of them

Fleas on Humans??

Fleas can live on humans but they prefer animals. If your home is infested then there will certainly be fleas on the animals or in their bedding so check them out.

If you are certain you saw a flea then do what needs to be done--fumigate the house, wash all the linen, replace pets bedding, etc. Probably best to do it professionally but I know there are DIY products out there. Our dog had fleas once and we "bombed" the house and that was that. Talk to your pets' veterinarian too as there are powerful preventaitve flea products available.

Fleas on Humans??

True Story ( you can check it up in the recent news)

I've heard in Taiwan that a guy got fleas in his ears because he spend too much time with his pets. The doctor have to remove the fleas through surgery.

Anything is possible.

Fleas on Humans??

Fleas and lice are difference wan my kids was in school than had lice and gave it to all of us. the answer to your question i don/t think than live in human hair

Fleas on Humans??

it could be possible. you see lice, fleas, and lich may be different in name but they all are both bloodsucking human and animal dependent parasites. before you actually kept your pets you should've made sure of it that they dont have fleas. i know you cant be too sure though. but just for advise you ought to bring your daughter and your self to a doctor and check if you dont have fleas just to make sure. they can be horrible you know...O_o

Fleas on Humans??

Hi pet flea will bite you but they won't actually live on you but if you have found one then even though your animals are not scratching does not mean that they don't have any fleas...

You should treat all animals for fleas regardless of if you can see any as it is not always possible to see them on the animals in question...but it is better to have them treated that find you have a home infestation of fleas as it is better to prevent than cure...

Regards Jake

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