Friday, March 30, 2012

Why are humans always trying to mimic the natural existence of things?

Do you feel, what we know today, is all we were programmed to know, due to our enviroment, and the way we percieve things around us. Like for example, humans built houses to protect them and shelter them, to me this is an example of the human body, the other part, its there to protect the rest of organs. And humans put windows on their houses, thats like the human eye, and human put window "Cealings" on their houses, this relates to the human eye lids...roof on the house, human hair. ETC. humans built guns, if you look at how a gun is shaped, its like a male penis shooting..too graphic?

i know not all things are like this..for example. televisions, computers, books....but when you think of it, we are actually growing each generation, cause we think of new things, rather than what we see around us. like before, everyone didn't think, they just looked around, and assemble their life based on what, they already we're pushing beyond yea. i wasted 5 points askin

Why are humans always trying to mimic the natural existence of things?

The world is as we see it, because we are the ones seeing it. There are no true original thoughts, just re-hashings of old thought. For example the evolution of listening to music: radio---%26gt;records--%26gt;8 tracks--%26gt;cassette players--%26gt;CD's--%26gt;MiniDisks--%26gt;MP3's--%26gt;sat... radio. All can be traced back to an original or root idea, which was tweaked to produced to following idea. Everything you think that's "new" in this generation, is in fact very old. Look at communication: grunting--%26gt;art--%26gt;spoken language--%26gt; written language--%26gt;mail--%26gt;telegram--%26gt; telephone--%26gt;satellite phone--%26gt;cellular phone--%26gt;e-mail--%26gt;instant message--%26gt;text message etc. All of these "newer" forms are in reality no different from the older forms, in terms of what they actually accomplish.

Why are humans always trying to mimic the natural existence of things?

Maybe you have to take a bigger look. Humans should not be seen apart from the system of nature.

And natures way was allways trial and error. Only the things survived that addapted the best AND invented the best. Creativity is an important part in evolution.

Roofs were not an invention by humans. Since ever the animals/apes/humans tried to be under something, because it gave you security against rain (= wet/cold/sick/death) amongst others. Caves as shelter are as important as fire in my opinion. Windows are necessary to see what enemies aproach, etc.

A gun is shaped like a penis, to use your words, because it's the most efficient way to handle that kind of weapon. It presses the arm back while shooting, so you need a secure, string position while holding it. Towards the target is best for that.

And of course one of the main thing that humans learned was, that mother nature has alot of good concepts allready developed for problems that we have. So we copy them. It's better then investing energy in something "new" that's often bad anyway.

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