Saturday, April 14, 2012

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

According to a Muslim Cleric in Australia, women without headcovers are "meat asking to be raped".

Perhaps we need to reclassify males as subhuman since the very sight of human hair makes them drop their pants and attempt to push their penises into women like wild animals. They kill, they fight, they behave in outrageous ways and they expend tremendous amounts of energy attempting to force females into submission.

It is obvious that as a gender, males are incapable of behaving in a respectful fashion that allows other genders to exist in a safe and nurturing environment. Like any wild creature that injures, attacks and threatens the life, health and well being of humans, perhaps it is time that we cage these beasts and only those who have been certified as non-dangerous and life threatening should be allowed to live amongst the rest of us.

Women will, of course continue to raise young males until they exhibit threatening behavior.

So, is it time?

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

Anger aside, this might not be far from the truth: I was always intrigued by this question: Why do men have nipples?

Science has discovered that all fetus in the womb for the first few weeks is actually female, and then some change to male, but still retain the female "prototype" ... therefore nipples.

So, if we females are creations prototype, then we are really the first choice in God's eyes. It makes sense, since we are creators, and not destroyers which testosterone over and over again shows.

Creation made a little error while trying to figure out way to procreate humankind: Male counterparts with too much testosterone!

But there are a lot of men in touch with their feminine side, but like the muslin world, it's still an almost impossibly long way to go.

It's disgusting that they view women this way, when it's them that thinks this way. They should "veil" their animalistic behaviour and control it and appreciate and respect women, not keep women in veils!

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

right on, sister!! you sound a little jaded (LOL).

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

A lesbian in the making? A feminist?

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

wow-what happened to u? were u assaulted?u cant classify an entire gender because some members are violent-what about women who drown their kids in bathtubs-does that make all women potential child murderers?if something happened to u,please get counseling.the 2 gentlest,most sensitive and loving people i have ever had the blessing,honour and priveledge to know,are my deceased fiance("only the good die young.") and my husband.both were/are soulmates,gentleman,rescuers of stray dogs,the homeless,the suffering.spiritual,kind.both would gladly give their lives if mine were in danger,and i would do the same for them.what environment are u in?what men do u know?i hope it gets better for u !!!!!!

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

Well, I think most of theirs already are if they can't control themseves around women...which they obviously can't if their leader says they can't. My son is 12 %26amp; a Boy Scout. The first thing they learn is respect, %26amp; since there are women involved in their training too, all women are treated respectfully.

How about we introduce Boy Scouting to their youth for some help controling themselves!

I just met two young men yesterday in their 20's somewhere, both married %26amp; one with a young child...didn't know them from Adam, %26amp; they were incredibly polite! The sight of womans hair didn't send them into an uncontroled fit or anything! Most of our men aren't the problem I think...

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

This is bullshit!! You are generalising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is true that there are some sick men that only think with there *****, but that represent a milli fraction of men. I, as a man, have the utmost respect for women and love them all.

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

Men are aggressive - it is a little thing called testosterone. Islam seems to think that men are incapable of controlling themselves so women have to cover up. Some men are marginally incapable of controlling themselves, but most of us do ok. But your suggestion would make for an interesting future - eventually eliminate all aggressive behavior. The Laps in and around the arctic circle did that with the rain deer that they raise. They need a male to lead and mate with the herd but they needed a gentle one so they bred out all aggressiveness and ended up with a very passive bull to lead the pack. In that process they bred out many, many, many different things that made the rain deer good or usefull. Now the rain deer that they have are weak, don't reproduce well, have poor coats, don't stand the cold well, get sick constantly, die in vast numbers and their herds may die out as a result. Think about it lady - do you want your offspring to be little more than cerebral protoplasm that couldn't find or fight its way out of a wet paper bag. Some times you have to take the good with what little bad comes along with it.

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

It's been time a long time. I don't even date them anymore. You should see them crawling up trying desperately to catch my attention, staring hard at me trying to get me to return their gaze, asking me for my phone number; they even look carefully to see where I am looking, then go stand directly in the path of that and posture and preen trying to show themselves off. I'm considered an *extremely* attractive woman and this happens to me all the time. But men are tedious. Don't let them trick you into thinking we women need them and we're the ones who want babies and marriage. MEN DO. And they are the first to bring those subjects up every single time.

They need us; ***we do not need them***. Marriage was a male invention to capture women and chain them as home slaves and baby machines. Think, woman: what are the two things men cannot do by themselves and we can? They desperately need women, and their need is louder, more obvious and worse than ever now, because women are waking up to their stupidity and obsolescence en masse all over the world and taking care of themselves from now on - for a change!

And to answer any male posters' inevitable idiotic questions, you're damned right I'm a feminist, and when I find the right woman, I'm dating her instead of you. All of me: slender, sexy, mixed-race (Chinese, East Indian, Black and Portuguese) - I look like the babe in sequins you see at Carnaval. That's me, and your wretched flaccid two inches, bad smell and attitude will never come within ten feet of me. Feel it. Know it. Live it.

Any woman with common sense is a feminist.

Another good thing about lesbians and feminists is that you men helpfully create one more of us with every date you go out on and every woman you mistreat. Keep it up. More for us.

Signed, a hot feminist bisexual woman drifting lesbian, whom men get a hard-on for and start stalking the second they see me. Dream on, losers. This one's for the girls. Of course it's time men were seen as subhuman. Smart women have known this about them since life on this planet began.

I say bring on the vibrators and sperm banks, milk these dogs for their come, and execute and dump them in a ditch somewhere. Then run a tractor over it and build a feminist monument to female suffering atop the site.

Should We Reclassify Men as Subhuman?

I just love militant lesbians! I are dirt. Let's put them all in a cage and feed them but keep them around to breed with them to make the next batch of militant lesbian man-haters! By the way...I want to vlounteer to be the first guy put in the cage...okay? And if and when Jessica Simpson needs to be bred, i'd also like to be the one chosen for that? Okay? Please? Pretty please?

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