Two purposes
1) the hair cools your body by allowing perspiration to occur by separating the skin layers just a little bit.
2)the hair can warm you. Major artery/vein intersections are in your armpits to supply your arms and hands and the lymph nodes that are present there. This would cause a lot of heat loss having those arteries so close to the surface if there wasn't a little more insulation (the hair).
What is the purpose of underarm hair on humans?
something about sweat or cleanliness...
What is the purpose of underarm hair on humans?
I dont know it might be because of your Lymph nodes that exist in the underarms that cause this and hair grows there so they dont get cold or something idk something like that
What is the purpose of underarm hair on humans?
-- it's left over from when we had hair all over out bodies.
-- it keeps the layers of skin separate, allowing some perspiration to evaporate -- reducing the moisture that bacteria need to thrive. obviously works better on some folks than others. if we all had, and kept, more of it, it would decimate the deodorant industry.
What is the purpose of underarm hair on humans?
Underarm hair, also called axillary hair, is the composition of hair in the underarm area. This hair, as most of the other body hair, normally starts to appear at puberty, and growth is usually complete by the end of teen age. The release of pheromones from the axilla at this stage of human development suggests association of armpit hair with sexuality. The positive response to olfactory stimulus in mammals and the consequent intensification of the sex drive caused by release of pheromones offers useful clues as to the purpose and importance of axillary hair in humans.
What is the purpose of underarm hair on humans?
They are to keep your hands warm in a dark, cold winter nights when you are all alone by yourself .... lol
What is the purpose of underarm hair on humans?
The function of hair is normally warmth. There are major blood vessels that travel close to the skin surface in the armpit. The hair keeps the core body temperature warm. We also have a lot of sweat glands here to counteract this warming effect if we get too hot.
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