Friday, April 27, 2012

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

The palms do not have hair folicles.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

Some people do, but for the most part, God didn't create us to have hairy palms.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

Some activities are said to put hair on the palms of your hands but i have tried feverously in past years and I didnt get hairy palms.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

What if we dont believe in god

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

Some people do, as a rarity, but the reason most of us don't is because we can need to grip things with our hands.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

That's easy, we wash our hands most of the time than any other part of the body.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

Because they use them to eat .

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

I think it is because of the use of our hands, the friction keeps the hair from growing.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

Its called evolution.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

We use our hand to much to do this.

Why dont humans have hair on their palms?

there is no hair on our palms because the fingertips and palms are filled with the most receptors on our bodies per square inch. Places that lack hair usually contain the most receptors.

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