Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

Obviously,Humans have hair on their body and more hair in certain "areas" than others.

But I'm wondering why humans don't have enough hair to protect them from the elements?

Other mammals that live in "warm" climates south of the equator southern regions haven't lost their hair to stay "cool" and they have been "evolving as long as long or longer than "humans".

Also, why don't Humans have enough hair to not have to wear clothes in cold climates to survive.

If your considering the idea that we "invented" clothing to stay warm, please reallly thik about it.

Why invent something we didn't need as we "evolved"?

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

The basic form of humans and our near ancestors in the genus Homo developed in an environment where warmth wasn't a problem.

We probably lost our hair because we started using fire at the cusp of the distinctions between H. habilis and H. erectus, being covered with long yet sparse hair like chimps and orangutans makes a campfire sort of dangerous.

Second and third degree burns in a world without antibiotics. Bald is definitely beautiful if the alternative is scabby, runny and or dead.

Our bodies are long and lean to shed heat better on the savannah, growing more hair wouldn't have helped overcome this maladapted design in a cold climate. Fire and clothes came along too quickly for mutation and natural selection to have enough time to work on the problem.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

because were not monkies

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

Is part of the evolution, millions of years ago humans used to have lots of hair... scientist says that human it would be a moment in time history that we are going to be hairless.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

Humans started out in africa and as moved north it suddenly got colder and ti takes millions of years to evolve so a clan that moved north wouldnt have time to evolve and grow more hair.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

I think the person above me has the point

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

Really try to think about this answer.

Evolve, quickly even if it seems/appears counteractive.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

clothes do make the man, how would you like to go to work with no clothes on , see why now

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

my opinion is that either God made us this way for a reason.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

What are you talking about??? Some guys do look like apes! They have hair all over their body!! All humans have hair all over their body, it is just really light and thin.

My theory is we used to be incredibly hairy but were naked all the time, then we discovered clothes and the hair became less of a need for us.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

well, it is just that God made us this way!(if u believe in God)

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

As humans evolved, the fur became infected with parasites and disease: fleas, lice, and ticks can live in it. Without the fur, infections became less common.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

One theory proposed on Animal Planet was a show entitled "Aquatic Ape." They suggest that early people stood up in rivers and the water environment reduced the need for body hair. At least in people. True of hippos too but not seals or sea otters or other aquatic animals. Also true of dolphins to an extent.

Clothes have been around for 500,000 years. Originally they were very simple, whatever one could fashion for themseves out of vines and leaves and so on in nomadic tribes. Later on during great civilizations obviously only the very wealthy and nobility would have had clothes and the poor who did not know how to weave or fashion them would not.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

See, I think we DID need it as we "evolved"... like other animals (not always mammals either), you go where the food and sex is, or you die. Remember that first the contient was pangea and all stuck together. Just as it was more convenient to be more and more upright, in various areas it was more convenient to have less hair (or more pigment in our skin to protect us from the sun). There were lots of "tribes" in different places, and over many hundreds of years as the continent split apart into the vast oceans and things, the climate changed and stuff moved around - and the tribe's tribes that moved around needed less hair and less pigment, etc depending on where they were.

Now we are all naturally white/black/asian, hairy, good swimmers, fat/skinny, etc LOL

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

Firstly, *Evolution* is the reason for the animals to grow or shed hair. Humans invented the dress to keep themselves warm in cold climate. That means humans had much grey matter than other animals and so they moved to the next level and started innovating things to stand before all odds where other animals failed. Secondly, *Hormone* is also a major factor for for this hair growth. Animals got more hormone than human.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

First off, animals don't have hair, mammals have fur. There are major differences between human skin and hair and the skin and fur of mammals. Also remember, there are several other mammals that are almost hairless, the elephant and hippo.

Evolution of human hairlessness.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

According to the book titled "The Naked Ape", humans lost hair during our evolution to make sex sexier. I think the author's name is Desmond Morris, but it's been a long time--almost 35 years ago--since I read the book so I'm not positive he was the one.

Edit: I went to an internet bookseller site and found out I was right--Desmond Morris was the author. The book was first published in 1967 and is still being printed and is available.

Why don't humans have the same amount of hair as other mammals?

Honestly, it is not needed by humans but to cover a few vunerable spots (like our noggens to keep us warm and protected from the sun where we may not be covered by clothing. Man has made clothing for himself almost from the beginning. It did not matter what climate he was in because he could regulate his temperature by clothing, housing, and fuel (fire).

Animals in warmer climate often do not have much hair or fur as it is not needed (in some cases) but they cannot make clothing for themselves so fur is needed for protecting them from the many elements.

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