can i get that consist of human hair? Describtions are helpful!
What kind of braids?
call a beauty salon or wig shop they are there to assist you with this or google it you could come up with some pretty interesting sites...good luck
What kind of braids?
I have no clue!
What kind of braids?
any kind
What kind of braids?
i dont no
What kind of braids?
You can get micro braids which are tiny
You could do regular sized braids
You could also have your hair cornrowed with human hair.
What kind of braids?
Try going to your public library or to a bookstore with magazines like Black Hair or Natural Hair. They have descriptive pictures and tell you how the particular style was done (kind of hair, etc.)--also they will give you ideas for what you want your style to look like. Be blessed.
What kind of braids?
get tree braids you use human hair on a track you braid like a corn row but leave extension hair out every time you cross over makes it look like your real hair or you can do funky styles
What kind of braids?
don't know I hate braids.
What kind of braids?
Well i don't know how long you hair is but you can get micro braids to original french braids. I f my advice doen't work go to a salon and tell them about your request.
What kind of braids?
I like french-braids,but that's just me.
Micro Braids
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