I bought human hair extensions from Sally's Beauty Supply today for my glamour shots next week. It costed me some of my working money, and I will be getting them in soon, this weekend I think.
Would I be considered poser or fake if I went to school with exstensions and it was longer then my "before" hair?
I don't think my friends will make a big deal, but other people?
I know people say not to worry about what other people think, but, it's gonna bug me. Not dramatically, but ya kno.
Please no negative answers.
Would I be considered fake/poser?
girls at my school do that kind of stuff all the time so i wouldn't worry.
in fact, if the extensions look good i think more highly of them than before -- even if i hardly knew them!
i think it is great to care that you take care of your looks.
there will always be assholes out there who will find anything to fight about so if someone gives you a hard time tell them that your hair might not be all yours, but you don't need it to be gorgeous. they, on the other hand, couldn't do anything to change their ugly personality" and then walk away. =D
take care Cassie!!!
hope you have fun with your extensions!
Would I be considered fake/poser?
Teens will always talk crap about something. If you like em, good! If others don't, screw em. (not literally of course!) Seriously, don't worry about what others think. If you like em, thats all that matters. LIke I said, people will always talk crap about something.
Would I be considered fake/poser?
No. Lots of girls in my school get extensions.
Would I be considered fake/poser?
You're not a poser as you're not fitting into a stereotype, and you're not fake because your hair is now a little bit longer, good luck with that and if people ask just tell them it's for a little bit, that you're still you, and I wish you the best at those glamour shots!
Would I be considered fake/poser?
I sincerely doubt anyone would care. People go get their hair cut- what's really the big difference?
I doubt anyone would consider it "poser" or "fake". At the very worst, no one would care at all. At best, you may get compliments. :)
And if people comment, can't you just take them out?
Would I be considered fake/poser?
No extensions are cool
Would I be considered fake/poser?
I would not call you a poser. Of course people think it is "gross" but to hell with them. It is your hair and almost every celebrity wears hear extensions, they don't think they are gross. As long as it looks nice, and not "fake", then go for it.
Would I be considered fake/poser?
i think it would be okay. do it. have fun.
Would I be considered fake/poser?
I honestly don't think anyone is going to say anything as long as it looks natural and not tacky...
If you're concerned about what people might say, then don't wear them for school
Would I be considered fake/poser?
No. I have extensions in my hair and and nobody really cares..Its pretty popular at my school too.
Would I be considered fake/poser?
i dont see a problem i mean its just like dying your hair right...people do that all the time.
Would I be considered fake/poser?
I can't think of anyone who would. I get extensions in the spring, and everyone LOVES them! If there was any person (who would probably just be jealous anyways.) That thought you were a poser, why would it matter what they think? It's your hair!
Would I be considered fake/poser?
As long as it looks good, who cares? They'd just be jealous.
There was one girl at my previous job that got them done. She actually got a lot of compliments and everyone wanted to touch it and asked how long it took to put them in and asked how she had to wash it and of course everyone wanted to know how much it cost. She seemed happy that everyone liked it. Of course this didn't happen at a school where teenagers can be so cruel and judgemental. But like I said if it looks good, who cares?
I do want to say though that my cousin had extensions several months ago and she got a completely different reaction. She didn't get any compliments, she got looks and comments that her hair looked better before. Then again whoever did her hair did a bad job. It honestly looked like a mullet. So whatever you do, make sure it's done right and you'll be okay.
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