Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hair vs. Fur?

So I just referred to a guy as having "fur" on his chin and my friend freaked out and said it was gross and for use in reference to animals only. Apparently I'm supposed to say "hair."

I think they're interchangeable terms. Humans are mammals after all.... Opinions? Remarks?

Hair vs. Fur?

I agree with your friend; while humans are mammals, it's still weird to refer to facial hair as "fur."

Animals have fur, humans have hair. They aren't interchangeable in my opinion.

Hair vs. Fur?

it's ok if they dude has way too much hair.

Hair vs. Fur?

fur for animals.. and hair for humans.. its just the way it goes

Hair vs. Fur?

Apply it to yourself:

If a guy was giving you oral sex and suddenly looked up at you said "You need to trim some of this fur down here.", would that be ok?

Or you're changing clothes in a locker room and one of your friends says, "D@mn, ___________ (whatever your name is), shave that fur under your arms, girl!"

If you're ok with it being used on you, then I'd say not a problem...

It's all about hypocrisy and double-standard. If you're ok with it (for yourself), then keep using it without fear of what others think.

Hair vs. Fur?

fur in retrospect is more densely gathered together as hair has less strands per sq. inch. thick fur vs. bland hair.. as for your friend taking it to extremes for you referring to it as fur,says that he is trying to get a nice crop on his chin and took it hard when you made the comment of fur and probably mistook you as making fun of it. Im sure that his sense of what an animal is called as to humans is just a way to seem more intelligent of the matter and dont look down him for trying to grow up. Tell him it looks nice and watch him grin from ear to ear

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