Monday, May 7, 2012

Why pubic hair ?

As humans have evolved, why did not pubic hair go away ?

Why pubic hair ?

Ahhh, the mysteries of life. There is nothing more frustrating than those horrible curly hairs near our beloved genitals. Similar to gorillas, pubic hair is designed for warmth purposes, but there is a problem: Gorilla's don't wear clothes, whilst we can wear whatever we want to keep our love bits warm. Hopefully doctors will invent a miracle cure to erase those useless animal-like hairs that make the joy of sex decrease by every glimpse.

Why pubic hair ?

Have to keep out wobbley-bits warm somehow!

Why pubic hair ?

Pubic hair assist in dispersing pheromones and protect women from environmental influences, i.e. dust, dirt.

Why pubic hair ?

Pure Cushion during sex would get rug burn.

Why pubic hair ?

it taste better with out

Why pubic hair ?

We havent evolved far enough yet.

Why pubic hair ?

Because it didn't.Why the heck would I know.

Why pubic hair ?

because they're there to protect you. prevent dirt from getting into ur body

Why pubic hair ?

Pubic hair serves as a shield the same way eyelashes and eyebrows do!

Why pubic hair ?

humm. i just dont um, know. but thank god that we, or at least most of us, have found razors.

Why pubic hair ?

Public hair traps your own personal scent. And men find the scent of the woman that they love to be an aphrodisiac. So, among other things, not losing pubic hair is an evolutionary adaptation that helps with pair bonding.

Why pubic hair ?

Pubic hair didn't go away because we have not stopped evolving. One can make that assumption if the theory of evolution is true. The theory of evolution implies that we are always evolving. Perhaps we will all look exactly like hairy gorillas someday. In the meantime, one can shave with the Seiko Cleancut Shaver from in hopes of preventing that from happening.

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