Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

i've tried liquid repellent, fencing and human hair...

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

purchase a large chest type freezer and a 20 ga. shotgun, drain and butcher near flower bed. this will fill your freezer and end the deer problem all at once and your flowers will enjoy the extra nutrition.

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

mmmm good tucker, kill and eat them

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

Sprinkle human hair around them. (Easy to get from the beauty shop or barber shop.)

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

Go to a garden center and check the different deer repellents they have to offer. I just picked up on that you spray on the leaves. Haven't had a problem since I started using it! Whoops, I just noticed you already tried the liquid stuff! Sorry, it worked for me! Maybe someone else will be able to help you! Good Luck!

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

I,ve had relatively good luck with two products which are granular-you hand cast it all around and into the garden beds. The product names are organigro and milorganite. the are both made from sewage and the odor discourages the deer. I have also found that changing the product you use, whether it be a liquid or granular or hair, seems to help. Apparently the deer become accustom to a repellent over time. Good luck. They're voracious!!

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

Put some Doggie PooPoo around the area. They will think Coyotes or Wolves are around.

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

I live out in the counrty and deer used to be bold enough to hop my garden fence and eat my veggies. No more now. I got a VERY big dog and he barks alot. That worked for me, You could try planting Maragolds around them, I heard once deer don't like Marigolds. I don't either so I never tried it.

How do i keep deer away from my dahlias?

i'd use my trusty .270 Winchester, they come in my yard.. but they don't leave it!

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