Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

and who do you feel here in the USA political landscape are likely carriers of this gene that make them seem more like chest beating, club carrying, drag em by the hair, dem bad us good, uninformed emotional responders rather than thoughtful 21st century human being?

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

George will only be there for another year

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

It's not latent...look at any liberal--"Me want health care--me beat money out of you and take healthcare."

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

All you have to do is look at John Kerry's head for that answer.

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

Yes. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi have it.

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

I thought that we weren't descendants of neanderthals and are instead a different species

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

To the original question, as we are the result of Intelligent Design, then yes, we could have neanderthal genes in us, just as we could have anunaki genes (the fallen angel genes). Thus, enabling the rise of demonic behaviors.

The most demonic of the candidates that I know at this time is Hillary (promise breaker) Clinton.

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

Most Republicans

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

I believe it's more of a social snafu. People believe what they want and often what they don't understand is rounded off to the nearest emotion.Genetics takes too long to 'make a difference', even though more profound. In other words, instant gratification.

(It's the hang over that's regrettable.)

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

there is not thoughtful 21 st century human being here

but do be informed that all the headhunter tribes here are using handphone now so we are on the right track to the thoughtful 22 rd century man

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

Have yet to see any evidence of that other than the television commercias for insurance; over the last twenty years, but consider look at eharmony if you are seeking friendships.

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

According to homonid evolution,

H. Neanderthalensis and H. Sapiens branched off of H. Heidelbergensis. So any latent genes would come from Heidelbergensis, not Neanderthalensis.

"While the debate remains unsettled, evidence from mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal DNA sequencing indicates that little or no gene flow occurred between H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens, and, therefore, the two were separate species." - Wikipedia human evolution

Heidelbergensis may have been cannibals. I can see H. Clinton going to Sharpton's place for a little human buffet. It takes a village to braise a child?

Is there a latent neanderthal gene that is still lurking in the human gene pool?

It goes a lot further back than Neanderthals. It goes back to the first organism that killed another organism to survive. The survival instinct in higher intellectual circles leads to the desire to dominate. This desire is suppressed by those who prefer to use their brains to determine reality. Those who choose to dominate choose to ignore their brains and operate from the lower level genes.

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