Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

I work in a Hotel as a Hostess and a Cashier. I try as hard as I can to be ambitious and efficient to my daily responsibilities. I have requested for a promotion to another department on my 6th month which is in of the main reasons was for a better salary, cause of my good and various past experience. But the negative reason about my decesion is because of the poor and unwelcome bahavior some co-workers have with me. Of course I reported them to Human resourses...but the only solution I got was to realise the HR Manager to remain Neutral and make us forgive each other...or express her perseption as a miss-communication between us...

Today while even helping these two restaurant servers I stoped for a momment to fix my ponny tail and retie my hair turns and she tells the other one in spanish not knowing that I understand the language..."ella es fea"..."she is so ugly" that momment I froze! and of course there was a commotion as the story goes on. So...?

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

File a letter of complaint and put in details what you are experiencing and find some witnesses that can attest on to the truth of the situation. Submit to the Human Resources Dept and send a copy to your supervisor, manager, anyone with higher auhority.

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

Tell her to stop being so paranoid and come and spy on everybody you run into, or you will bring a chainsaw to work.

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

If they dont listen to you then you have the right to go to your union leader and complain and they will do something about them.

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

Part of being eligible for a promotion in the workforce is learning how to handle those problems and still be efficent in your job. Running to the human resource manager with every little thing that someone does to you or say's to you will hold you back for promotion. Simply say something to the girl's in private (so that customer's do not hear) when they make a remark about you and realize that it is mostly jealousy that makes people say negative things about someone else. Learn to not let it bother you and do the best job that you can for your employer with a bright smile and a good attitude. The more you stay out of offices with personal issues the faster you will get promoted. hen you hear these girls make negative comments about you ....perceive them as positive comments because it really means that you are doing such a great job that they are jealous of you and have to find ways to tear you down. If you continue to fall for it is your own fault that you are not getting promoted.

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

I think there is a book, How to Deal with Difficult People. Look it up on

I think that there a times in life when you just have to manage your feelings about people who don't like you. Maybe they are jealous of you; it certainly sounds like they have a lot to be jealous about. Hard feelings toward other people often are derived from fear that those people will get ahead. Keep working hard. If need be, look for another job or a promotion out of where you are. Good luck. Peace.

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

The short answer is that you don't convince her. You have to realize that the world is full of obnoxious people and sometimes we have to deal with them the best way we can. The fact that your coworker is acting like a schoolgirl is her problem. When you are 4 steps up the management ladder, she'll still be down in the gutter making her snide remarks to some other poor person that is just trying to do her job. I'm guessing she just feels threatened because she sees that you are doing a good job which makes her look worse at doing hers. Consider it as an unintended are doing a good enough job to be noticed! Good luck and hopefully you'll end up being her boss one day. You can have the pleasure of firing her yourself.

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

Keep a log and note EVERYTHING in writing!! Write down dates and every word said. Let these things build up over the course of time, then take your notes to the HR person. The longer you are there and the better your reputation becomes, the more she is apt to see your point of view. However, no supervisor will want to waste time and energy worrying about your peers not "liking " you. That is just something you may have to bear. Your supervisor will be more apt to be concerned about these co-workers doing things that affect the customers or the company in a negative way. If things like that occur, be sure to keep track of them in your logbook. When they have piled up a big bunch of "bad behaviors", go to the boss with that. That is how you will have the best luck of getting moved away from those "Harpies"!!!

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

Start keeping a log book of all the times this type of behavior happens.

After a month of this log, rediscuss it with the HR manager. He'll become a little bit more concerned because you are able to show a pattern over time rather than just discussing haphazard incidents.

How do I convince a Human Resources Manager about my co-workers awful behavior towards me?

The best way to get your complaints heard and something done about them is to document everything that happens....the time, place, people involved,what was said or done,etc. That way you have proof so to speak. Then you can take it to your supervisor and show them exactly what happened, who was there, etc. They can confirm it by looking at schedules, etc. That is the most professional way to handle it. Otherwise, I'd say to ignore them and just keep smiling at them and act like they don't bother you at all. This will drive them crazy and when they can't upset you anymore they will get bored and move on to something else. Good luck.

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