Monday, May 7, 2012

What happen to a human being after death?


1. It is a well-known reality that everyone has to taste death. Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Quran: "Every soul shall have the taste of death". (3:185)

2. The time of death is fixed for everyone. Every single person's age is fixed. It cannot increase from its fixed time nor can it decrease. Nothing can save one from death. Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up high. When the time of death comes, nothing can delay it.

3. When a person閳ユ獨 life is ending, Hazrat Izraeel (alaihis salaam) comes to extract the dying person's soul.

4. The person dying looks to his left and right and sees Angels everywhere. The Angels of Mercy come to a Muslim and for the Kaafirs, the Angels of Punishment appear. At this time, even the Kaafirs believe the truth about Islam, but their faith at this time is not counted. This is because faith is the name of believing the Message of Allah Ta'ala and his beloved Messenger (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) without seeing proof. At this time one sees the Angels and then believes and this is therefore, not accepted as a Muslim.

5. A Muslim's soul is taken out with ease and is then taken with respect by the Angels of Mercy.

6. A Kaafir's soul is taken out with great pain and the Angels of Punishment take it with disgrace.

7. After death, the soul does not go into another body and is then reborn, but it stays in the world of "Barzakh" till the Day of Judgement. "Barzakh" means the interval between death and resurrection.

8. To believe in reincarnation - that the soul goes into another human body, or into an animal's body, or into trees or plants, etc. is wrong and is Kufr.


1. Death is when the soul comes out of the body.

2. According to the faith and deeds performed by that person, a different place is fixed for the soul to remain. It stays in that place until the Day of Resurrection. Some stay underneath the "Arsh" (above the skies), some remain at "Aala Illiyyeen" (the highest point), some remain at the well of Zam Zam, and some remain in their grave.

3. The souls of infidels are imprisoned. Some are imprisoned in the well of "Barhoot", some in "Sajeen" (the lowest point in Earth), and some at their place of cremation or burial.


1. In any situation, the soul does not die nor does it disintegrate but it remains unchanged. Whatever it's position and whatever it's state is, it always remains connected to the body.

2. Those who believe that the soul can die and disintegrate are a "Bud Mazhab" (from a deviated sect).

3. If the body experiences pain, the soul also feels the pain. If the body is relaxed, then the soul is also relaxed.

4. When someone visits the grave, the soul sees the person, recognises him or her and listens to what they are saying.

5. In relation to the Muslim's soul, it is stated in the Hadith Shareef that when a Muslim dies, the soul閳ユ獨 path is opened and it can go wherever it pleases.

6. The dead also speaks. Animals, etc. except for normal humans and Jinn hear its voice.


1. After burial, the grave tightens up and presses the dead.

2. It presses the Muslim like a mother holds a child. It presses the Kaafir (infidel) to the extent of crushing them, like the left side bones end up on the right side.

3. When the people leave after burial, the dead hears the footsteps.

4. At that time, two Angels called Munkar and Nakeer come ripping through the earth. Their faces look very fearful and scary. Their bodies are black in colour. They have green and black eyes, which are very large in size popping out, like the Jinn's eyes and they are made of fire. Their hair is very scary and long from head to toe. Their teeth are very long with which they rip through the earth. They wake up the dead shaking and rattling them.

5. With great strength with a deep voice, they ask these three questions:

a. "MAN RABBUKA" meaning "Who is your Lord?"

b. "MAA DEENUKA" meaning "What is your religion?"

c. "MAA KUNTA TAQUL FEE HAJAR RAJL" meaning "What did you use to say about this person?"

If the dead person is a Muslim, he will reply as follows:

a. "RABBALLAH" 閳?"My Lord is Allah."

b. "DEENIL ISLAM" 閳?"My Religion is Islam."

c. "HUWA RASOOLULLAHE SALLALHO ALAIHI WASSALLAM" 閳?"This is Allah's Messenger, He has been embraced with Allah Ta'ala's Mercy, greetings to him."

6. Now, a Voice from the skies will be heard saying: "My servant has said the truth. Lay the tablecloth of Paradise for him. Give him clothes from Paradise to wear and open the doors of Paradise (Jannat) for him." The cool air and the sweet fragrance of Jannat will continue to come and wherever the eyesight can reach, the grave will be made wide and large. Angels will say: "Sleep like a groom sleeps". All this will be for the good pious Muslims.

7. For the sinful, there will be punishment according to their sins.

8. This punishment will continue for a time. Then from the prayers of the pious or from "Esaale Sawaab" (good acts performed by people for the dead's forgiveness) or from prayers for their forgiveness or simply from the Mercy of Allah Ta'ala, this punishment will stop. Then, there will be relaxation.

9. If the dead is a Kaafir, then he will not be able to answer the questions and will say "HAA HAA LADRI" meaning "Shame for I know nothing'". Now a caller will shout: "He is a liar, lay the table-cloth of fire for him, and give him clothes of fire to wear and open the doors of Hell (Dozakh) for him, from which the heat of Hell will reach him." There will be two Angels allocated to him to give him punishment and will hit him with great big hammers. Big scorpions and snakes will also bite him. All different kinds of punishment will continue until the Day of Resurrection.


1. The Prophets will not be asked questions in their graves nor will their graves tighten.

2. Many followers will also not be asked the questions, like those Muslims who die on a Friday or in the month of Ramadaan.

3. The situation of relaxation and punishment in the grave is a fact. This punishment or reward is for both the body and the soul.

4. Whether the body disintegrates or burns or mixes in the soil, it's original parts remains until the Day of Resurrection. It will receive reward or punishment. On the Day of Judgement it will be reformed back to a body. These original parts are actually situated in the spine and cannot be seen by humans. It also cannot be eaten by the soil nor can they be burned. These are the seeds of the body and from these Allah Ta'ala joins the rest of the parts of the body, which have been spread by either being turned into ashes or soil and are reformed into the original body.

5. The soul then comes back into that body and is presented in the field of Resurrection. This day is known as "Hashr".

6. The questions will be asked at that place at which a person has been buried or has been left to rot. Punishment will also occur there. For example, if a tiger has eaten a person, the questions will be asked inside the tiger's stomach, and the punishment and reward will also happen there.

7. A person who rejects the fact of the punishment and reward of the grave is a misguided person.


1. The Prophets, the Awliya (Friends of Allah Ta'ala), the Shuhada (Martyrs), a Hafiz of the Quran who also acts upon the instructions of the Holy Quran, a person who has never committed a sin and those who pray the Durood Shareef at all times, their bodies are not eaten by the soil.

2. Those who say that the Prophet's bodies "have died and eaten by the soil" is a misguided person, from the wrong sect, or an evil and an insulting person.

What happen to a human being after death?

You go into a deep sleep forever..... like before you were born!

What happen to a human being after death?

they go to heaven or if they were bad, hell

What happen to a human being after death?

It all depends on religion. I can't go into detail because there are too many

What happen to a human being after death?

You are cremated, buried or donated to science. You are made into ashes, rot or are dissected, respectively.

What happen to a human being after death?

The body stiffens up and the blood doesn't circulate any more and the brain stops working and the whole thing just dies.

What happen to a human being after death?

It all depends on what you believe in. Some believe you go to heaven or hell, some believe you just rot in the ground, etc. I personally would like to believe in reincarnation - it's kind of cool to think that we could come back as other people, animals, trees, etc. But who knows, really?

What happen to a human being after death?

You become a breeding ground for maggots

What happen to a human being after death?


What happen to a human being after death?

is it even possible for a living person to answer that question without purely speculating? I think not. You'll just have to wait and see like the rest of us. Don't worry, your time will come.

What happen to a human being after death?

They rot into a greasy substance with bones sticking out of it. Then that dries up and turns to dust.

What happen to a human being after death?

The Bible says that it is appointed unto man once to die then after this the judgment.

What happen to a human being after death?

if ur a christian ur soul goes to heaven or hell, body stays here

but if ur not, i guess ur body stays here and so does ur soul

(but really- if ur not a christian when u die u go to hell)

What happen to a human being after death?

What happen to a human being after death?

If they're saved, they go to be with the Lord. If they're lost, they go to hell.

What happen to a human being after death?

people have been trying to figure out this answer since the beginning. doubt if it'll be solved here!!

What happen to a human being after death?

Nothing, absolutely nothing happens

What happen to a human being after death?

thats the end of it. You rot and the worms eat you. your bones will crumble after a long time. Thats it. The end. Dont belief people who tell you that there is heaven and judgement day and seventy virgins and all that Bu ll $hit

What happen to a human being after death?

No one really knows.. unless someone has been able to die and then come back to life.. then you can go ask that person.

What happen to a human being after death?

Your in a deep deep sleep and only God him self can wake you up when Armageddon comes and you go in to the new world were their is no evil,sickness,death,and everything is perfect

What happen to a human being after death?

you die, you are buried, you feel nothing, you go nowhere, you stay dead and don't come back, whether you were good or bad. Remember... you asked and this is my opinion.

What happen to a human being after death?

The body returns to the earth, and the soul would return to the unviersal power, where it can return or recycle into the powers that be.

But that all depends on your religion.

What happen to a human being after death?

From dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Read Ecclesiastes, it'll give you the whole story.

What happen to a human being after death?

well probably to heaven it depends if you been good or bad cuz you could just go to hell to

What happen to a human being after death?

There is no heaven or hell. When you die, you die. Nothing more.

What happen to a human being after death?

Heaven or Hell.

Heaven if your name is written in the book of life (you're saved, die before you're accountable or you never heard about God ever and were judged/accepted - God is the righteous judge).

Hell if you rejected Christ, and died or the rapture came and you weren't saved.

What happen to a human being after death?

The body rots and the soul crosses over. In my opinion, most souls cross over and religion has nothing to do with it.

What happen to a human being after death?

There's no way of knowing until you get there. Period. There's basically one of two things that will happen.

#1- You will go somewhere.

#2- There will be nothing, and then you won't know the difference anyway.

What happen to a human being after death?

I always thought%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; imagine death is the beggining of life, meaning once you die you are reborn.....I always thought, me,you us, anyone doesnt know what happens after death it is just speculation.......SO CHOOSE HERE IN LIFE WHAT YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU DIE......and when your dead youll know what happened.....or if its like what i think you have probably asked that in your past life......

What happen to a human being after death?

Google it!

What happen to a human being after death?

They go to heaven or non heaven

What happen to a human being after death?

Hell - Lonliness and your own personal hell..

Heaven - Surrounded by friends and drugs that don't harm your system, your own personal heaven.

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