Monday, May 7, 2012

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Some people think that humans are special. In fact, they think humans were created as something completely separate from "those" animals.

When I compare humans to animals (specifically mammals), I notice a lot of similarities.


Eyes, ears, nose, head, fingers/toes, hair, teeth

Same 5 senses

Systems: digestive, nervous, etc.

Sex organs






Sexual desires

How can you say a human is not an animal? How can you say that we aren't the same? I will be very disappointed to find out that god made me special but decided to make me crap once a day just like my dog does.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Yeah, I agree. We're very intelligent animals (well, most of us anyway) but animals nonetheless.

Actually, in my opinion, our civilization needs to get out of this mindset that we're special at all. We're really not. People don't like to hear that, but we're not. We don't have a "higher purpose"; we're a puny species on a puny planet floating around in a universe that's so vast that none of us will ever be able to comprehend it. In the broad scope of things, how meaningful and important are we? Not very.

How can you say a human is not an animal?


How can you say a human is not an animal?

Who said humans aren't animals?

How can you say a human is not an animal?

And some people like to wallow in their own crap.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

You can't unless you are an idiot.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Let's see animal, vetetable, or mineral.

I think we qualify as animal.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

because we are the supreme being compare to the other animals. we can say what we like

How can you say a human is not an animal?

We are not the same. Humans are far more superior to animals. We can think creatively in ways animals can't.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Your dog only craps once a day? Sheesh, you're lucky. Mine go at least twice each, and usually in the house.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

we are parasites not animals, compare humans and parasites,they are very similar

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Wow dude, you have some serious issues. Please get help right away.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Just as I can say that you have asked a question and I am giving an answer.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

at least animal cannot write his opinion here at yahoo answer we are better one step more as they are

How can you say a human is not an animal?

I am a firm believer in evolution, but your argument won't get you

very far.

There are a lot of things that evolved to perform similar functions

but took very different routes. For instance, the wing of a bat and the

wing of a bee perform virtually the same functions.

By your logic, how can they not be related?

Bats are mammals. Bees are insects. Yeah, I guess they are related

very very distantly, but the fact that they both fly is evidence of very little.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

I believe humans are animals. We're mammals aren't we? But we've got so many mental problems. And I'm a (uh oh, here it comes) believer in evolution.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

a human is a mammal. just not really the same as other mammals. have dogs created a worldwide network like humans have [that we know of today]?

How can you say a human is not an animal?

We are just very intelligent and evolved apes. There is a reason why we share 99% of our genes with chimpanzees. Also, we share more than 90% of our genes with mice. It makes you wonder.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Were homosapiens and mammals not animals. We dont walk on all fours and we have thumbs

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Ge 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

enough said

How can you say a human is not an animal?

You can call us what you will , but we are more intelligent than any other "animal" . We were made in God's image so that makes us very special .

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Monkeys are having a whale of a time...

Laughing their heads off......

How can you say a human is not an animal?

i can say that human also animal

How can you say a human is not an animal?

when human believe in God . then he is not animal

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Humans are in essence animals. But there are many, many things that makes humans different from animals which you did not list. Humans have intelligence beyond what any other animal on this planet has. We build, we create, we use tools, we wear clothes, we use shelter, we use fire. Name one animal that can do all that besides humans.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

a human being falls into the animal category. the thing that makes us "special" is our power of reasoning and free will. most animals are driven by instinct, we can choose our own path. some humans make better choices than others!!!

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Well you have many characteristics that an animal doesn't, you have intelligent speach, you can learn to do things besides roll over and play dead. You have a soul. You can think through things. You have an incredible amount of potential intellegence. You can use money, you can count, read, and write. You can't compare humans to animals.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

Well I crap in a toilet,drive a car and spend money and alot of us humans wear clothes. I also have several animals which I give baths to and feed and care for.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

all have the same breath,but who knows the spirit of the man that goes up,and the spirit of the beast that goes down

How can you say a human is not an animal?

We are animals. We just don't consider ourselves animals, How come every other living creature on this earth is an animal except for us? We ARE animals, it's just that our brains our more sophisticated. I don't mean sophisticated in condesceding sense either. Sophisticated in that they allow us to do some things that other animals can't. But, animals are pretty smart too. Some of them can build their own houses, hunt for food, etc.-they just don't have cell phones.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

We are, in fact, "animals". . .but not in a derogatory way. . .we mostly have an evolved mind or conscience. . .the ability to initiate sex at will and for solely for pleasure (although the dolphin and a certain species of monkey can do this as well under more conditional situations). . .and the capacity to "help" or "harm" others like a g-d!

Personally, I like the reference to humans and animals as "creatures". . .this brings us together in a broader way without making any comparisons.

How can you say a human is not an animal?

They are not.

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