Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is the practise of mutilation of human body component is morally, ethically and pragmatically correc

Mutilation is severing of some part from body. It could be genital, tonsorial or manicural.

Remember Samson and Delilah?

Observe the way of life of brotherhood of the Shik whose philosophical concept is that of two ancient and vast religions of human society that advocates preservation of hair.

And many a race and religion practises genital mutilation of both sexes.

Or is the word 'mutilation' is in itself in error?

And is such practise by a minority is in order where majority abhors it?

Is the practise of mutilation of human body component is morally, ethically and pragmatically correct?

Phrase it how you will but the act of 'mutilation' is truly a matter of perception. For both the person practising it, as well as the observer (from another culture).

If you simply look at the different tribal concepts of beauty and the often painful procedures they have to endure to obtain this beauty, we may be horrified. Conversely, they'd be appalled to learn people halfway across the world suck fats out of their waists, pump some back into their lips or boobs and endure painful wires in their mouths to straighten them. Don't forget breast implants and plastic surgery. They'd really not see the point in that either.

So with regards to religious practices, I am generally willing to believe there is a bigger and symbolic meaning to their practices which we as outsiders will never truly understand since we view the world from our own tainted lenses.

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