Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why am I disgusted with the human race?

I don't mean at the things we've done as nations and individuals to each other. I mean I look at humans and I see all the sweat and hair and the stench of their breath, the raspy or slimy feel of palms as I shake hands, sometimes disgusting veins sticking out, hugs guts, sallow eyes, cracked lips...All the snot and mucus and spit we all have, filled with sticky blood, all of this covered with dirt filled pores. Why do I feel this way? I look at a supermodel and am disgusted. I'm disgusted with myself. I'm ashamed to be a human. I honestly want to kill every single person I see. I only don't because I know it would be ultimately pointless to stem this plague called humanity. What the hell is wrong with me?

Why am I disgusted with the human race?

We are a disgusting bunch, I admit.

I think that you are disappointed that we can't be better. You are asking, "Why do we have to accept such imperfection all around us when we are taught that we should continually seek the perfection that is impossible to reach?"

Well, there is beauty all around us, even if it is not perfect. It is all in the relativism of the perception. If we look at a beautiful object under a microscope, it is rendered clinical and thus lacking of aesthetic value.

But, if you look instead at the world through a "macro scope," you will see a much more pleasing picture.

For example, a mountain can be perceived as beautiful when viewed from afar.

You're just getting too close to your subject.

Why am I disgusted with the human race?

Oh dear. Well some times we all get down because there are some pretty ****** up things going on in the world. But don't blame everyone, and look for every single person's faults. Just try to be more positive...The human race has it's downfalls, it's disgusting habits, it's down days...but we are all doing the best we can. Don't think about killing people though, that's not right. Maybe see a doctor? Depression maybe. Good luck!

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