Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animal

The guy in my end office is 69 and still got jet black hair!!!!!

I think he has help... he he he

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

my dads dog has grey hair u pleb

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

yes it does

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

yes it does, actually. many animals that get old experience thining hair and slight hair loss....example, my dog!

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

actually, it does happen to other animals - if they get old enough

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

yes it does!!! my dog and my horse are both old and have grey hairs where there once were black ones!! It's not all over though, just where the white and black hairs mix really, but they get greyer as they get older

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Hair goes through a number of changes in your lifetime.

At a young age it can become thicker, with a slightly different structure. This explains the changes in hair colour and curlines that can often appear from young child -%26gt; adult.

In later life the ability of your body to generate colour molecules in your growing hair may be lost, partially or completely. Thus you get grey hair.

I do not know what occurs in other animals.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

dogs go bald and grey,the baldness is hormones,

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Actualy it does - dogs and gorillas both go grey. Not all humans go bald after all.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

it is humans hormones

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Gorillas go grey when they age, so do other animals. It's not just us. And I believe it's hormonal - just part of the ageing process.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

I don't have an answer as to why but most animals, as they age do get grey hair, dogs on thier muzzels,horses on thier faces ect.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

i'd love to know the answer to that...seems like some old dogs get a little graying around their face.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

My wife %26amp; 2 boy children gave me grey hairs,it's not because I'm 65 year old.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Dogs, Apes, Elephants etc. Most do

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

My ten year old dog is going grey

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Every so many years your body is completely replaced with a replica, a clone if you like, everything from your thoughts, feelings and memory to your appearance is copied, more or less.This arises from cell division or mitosis. As you age this process becomes less and less effective and we start to see the effects of aging; hair loss, wrinkles, graying.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

high testerone levels trigger baldness, the human male has a much greater range of testerone levels than animals ie some men have very low levels and others very high, any animal species will all have very similar levels.

Thus bald men tend to be much more virile than those with hairy heads

Many hairy domestic animals will go grey though, dogs particularly

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

I don't know. Not all animals are immune tho.

Why don't ducks get frostbite feet when they get frozen in ice?

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Getting gray, silver, or white hair is a natural part of growing older, and here's why.

Each hair on our heads is made up of two parts:

a shaft - the colored part we see growing out of our heads

a root - the bottom part, which keeps the hair anchored under the scalp

The root of every strand of hair is surrounded by a tube of tissue under the skin that is called the hair follicle (say: fah-lih-kul). Each hair follicle contains a certain number of pigment cells. These pigment cells continuously produce a chemical called melanin (say: meh-luh-nin) that gives the growing shaft of hair its color of brown, blonde, red, and anything in between.

Melanin is the same stuff that makes our skin's color fair or darker. It also helps determine whether a person will burn or tan in the sun. The dark or light color of someone's hair depends on how much melanin each hair contains.

As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color - like gray, silver, or white - as it grows. As people continue to get older, fewer pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray.

People can get gray hair at any age. Some people go gray at a young age - as early as when they are in high school or college - whereas others may be in their 30s or 40s before they see that first gray hair. How early we get gray hair is determined by our genes. This means that most of us will start having gray hairs around the same age that our parents or grandparents first did.

Gray hair is more noticeable in people with darker hair because it stands out, but people with naturally lighter hair are just as likely to go gray. From the time a person notices a few gray hairs, it may take more than 10 years for all of that person's hair to turn gray.

Some people think that a big shock or trauma can turn a person's hair white or gray overnight, but scientists don't really believe that this happens. Just in case, try not to freak out your parents too much. You don't want to be blamed for any of their gray hairs!


Going bald is a fact of life for millions of men. Adults lose about 10,000 scalp hairs each and every day. Hair normally lives for around five years. With male pattern baldness these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear. This process can however take a long time and the age at which you start to lose hair does not necessarily provide any clues as to how long it will be until you define yourself as bald.

Normal Hair Loss

There are a number of reasons why men start to go bald, but if you are a man between the ages of about 20 to 45 and you start to lose scalp hair, then the chances are 95 per cent certain that you are experiencing male pattern baldness. As the term suggests, male pattern baldness follows a typical sequence or pattern.

Hair loss can start in different areas but is usually at the temples and/or on the crown of the head. Initial thinning of hair progresses over a number of years and may lead to total baldness but more typically loss of hair over the top surface of the head.

The Cause of Male Pattern Baldness

Most men are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. It is the effect of hormones on the hair follicle that produces male pattern baldness. Testosterone, a hormone that is present in high levels in males after puberty, is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT has an adverse affect on the hair follicles. Acting on a hormone receptor on the hair follicle it slows down hair production and produces weak, shorter hair, sometimes it stops hair growth from the follicle completely. This process gradually depletes your stock of hair and is normal hair loss.

Animals do gray such as cat's and dogs. Some animals can bald from skin conditions such as exima and sebboria and sseborrheic keratosis.

Here are some links on aging:





Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Old age? Animals? Donkeys have grey hair all their lives. Babies are bald.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Generally animals don't go bald in old age although somewill have some hair loss as part of endocrine disorder.

as for going grey that is quite common. it is usually most noticable on the face

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

Sorry, but you are mistaken. Other mammals do lose both hair pigmentation, and hair follicles as they get old.

Why do humans get grey hair and go bald in their old age? It doesn't happen to any other animals.?

hahahahaahhaah! this question is really clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

i want you to say that also dogs get gray hair!!!!!!!my dog (a russian terrier)get a little of gray-white hair!!!!!!!! siiiiiiiiigh!!! but I'm going to dye it! :-)

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