Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why humans have white hair?

Well, hair is part of the skin, as you get old, your skin shows, rigtht, no wonder why the hair does too.

Why humans have white hair?

two reason

1. it's the genes

2. getting very old and the color worn out.

Why humans have white hair?

they dont have white hair they have grey hair

Why humans have white hair?

good camouflage in the Winter

Why humans have white hair?


Why humans have white hair?

Just like animals and birds have black, brown, yellow, grey, green, blue, pink, orange hair!! Dude, if you get white hair, apply permanent black paint up there, things will always be black!!!

Why humans have white hair?

maybe becuse there getting old you idoit

Why humans have white hair?

So people will know we are experienced.......

Why humans have white hair?

We loose our ability to produce the color with age. It is genetic like balding.

I am caucasion. We can loose our colored hair in times of stress and it appears that we go grey very rapidly at times. However, that hair can grow back and we can regain some color. There is a saying, "He went grey overnight." Well, that is not true. Just the colored hair falls out, leaving the gray.

Why humans have white hair?

As one ages, their skin tone changes, and their hair turns grey or white. They also have less ability to lose weight as their skin has lost some of it elasticity.

Why humans have white hair?

The pigment in hair, as well as in the skin, is called melanin. There are two types of melanin: eumelanin, which is dark brown or black, and pheomelanin, which is reddish yellow. Both are made by a type of cell called a melanocyte that resides in the hair bulb and along the bottom of the outer layer of skin, or epidermis. The melanocytes pass this pigment to adjoining epidermal cells called keratinocytes, which produce the protein keratin閳ユ攬air's chief component. When the keratinocytes undergo their scheduled death, they retain the melanin. Thus, the pigment that is visible in the hair and in the skin lies in these dead keratinocyte bodies.

The control of this pigment production is complex, and somewhat different for skin and hair, but there are clear genetic factors. One is the recently identified MC1R gene. Alleles of this gene are associated with red hair in humans, cows and many other species. (Pigment can also tie in with the hair cycle閳ユ敄hat is, the process of a new hair growing and stopping at a preset length閳ユ攣s seen in animals such as an agouti mouse, where the tip of the hair differs in color from the shaft.)

Gray hair, then, is simply hair with less melanin, and white hair has no melanin at all. Genes control this lack of deposition of melanin, too. In some families, many members' hair turns white in their 20s. Generally speaking, among Caucasians 50 percent are 50 percent gray by age 50. There is, however, wide variation. This number differs for other ethnic groups, again demonstrating the effect of genetic control.

Exactly how hair loses its pigment remains unclear. In the early stages of graying, the melanocytes are still present but inactive. Later on they seem to decrease in number. In general, this type of graying is not associated with any disease, although it can be associated with some autoimmune processes. But graying in a young adult is not itself a sign of any health problem.

Why humans have white hair?

Grey hair occurs when the hair pigmentation 'dies'. A person tends to grey at an earlier age if they colour their hair on a regular basis.

Why humans have white hair?

If people have babies they make your hair go white

Why humans have white hair?

There is no melanin in the hair ,,, That is what gives us all color . If that is not in the body you get albino ism . Usually people lose it in their 50 gradually , unless they go premature grey and it's all in DNA

Why humans have white hair?

When you get old, it hard for the body to make the haircolor, it much more easy when its gray!!

Why humans have white hair?

The hair follicle cells stop producing pigment...but nobody completely understands why yet. See below.

Albino humans have white hair even when they're young -- albinism is a genetic condition that reduces or eliminates ALL pigment production...so an albino's white hair has nothing to do with age. In the absence of any pigmentation, hair is naturally white, almost translucent.

Why humans have white hair?


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