Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why do humans have concentrated regions of body hair?

does body hair serve a purpose? why is it prevalent on certain body parts and relatively none on other body parts?

Why do humans have concentrated regions of body hair?

Because thats the way God made them.

Why do humans have concentrated regions of body hair?

Body hair in nature is a natural form of protection, or armor. Animals who live in teh wild use their hair to prevent small scrapes and scratches, it also protects from the elements of nature. Millions of years ago man had hair all over his body, to protect him for the same reasons as animals, but as we grew more intellegent and evolved, and we began living in caves, and building huts and homes, our hair slowly stopped growing in the less vulnerable parts of the body because there was no longer any need for it there. We still have hair where we do because these are the last sensitive areas on the human body, and as we evolve further i.e. balding men and women, we will continue to loose hair.

Why do humans have concentrated regions of body hair?

Well first of all, lets look at primates, our closest relatives. They have hair all over their body, so over time what probably happened is that homo sapiens (this would be us) lost hair over time. Then we want to ask ourselves what advantages would it be to keep hair in those locations. The head is a good area because the head loses a lot of heat, hair prevents this. I'm going to leave it at that and you can further think on your own.

Why do humans have concentrated regions of body hair?

Coversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is associated with balding. The drug finasteride blocks this enzyme and can resore hair growth. Females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (which produces high levels of steroid hormones) have excess facial hair. We know from these examples that hormone levels are involved in regulating hair growth. I would hypothesize that certain hair distribution patterns (hair around reproductive organs) reflect different concentrations of hormones in these areas and/or could be an evolutionarily conserved outward indicator of reproductive fitness.

Why do humans have concentrated regions of body hair?

On top of your head to protect from the sun and help sweat evaporate from the skin both of which are to keep our brains cool. In your arm pits and crotch the sweat glands are different from the rest of the body in that they contain scents and pheromones and the hair adds surface area for the sweat to run down and evaporate from creating more smelly air and the hair is also a visual cue for sexual maturity.

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